It might also be necessary/good idea to delete any lease file(s) related to
the interfaces which is not specified as dhcp-assigned in the interface
config file.

It seems, even though you kill the dhclient process, it might come back if
you don't delete the lease file.

In my view this issues is very common and there you could argue it should
be escalated to a bug and not a feature request.
I will claim that the majority of all new installations get an dhcp
assigned IP address and the majority of all server-setups will be changed
to static....and then we have the problem, that's a lot of pain out there!

Perhaps most just restart but you should be able to just do a "ifdown
--all; ifup --all" and then everything is good, but that's not the case.

(well not quite: when I change a new servers to static and add a bridge
interface, "ifdown --all; ifup --all" seems not to enable the bridge
interface. I have to do "systemctl restart networking" too, but fixing this
dhclient issue would be a good start)

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