I just realized it was foolish to do this for the source package as
there is only one. The rest still holds for headers package.

Regarding header packages, the needsy also arises without featureset
combinations. By default, they will have Provides sets to linux-headers,
linux-headers-2.6, and will natively provide
linux-headers-2.6.VERSION-FEATURESET. They don't provide the virtual
package linux-headers-2.6-FEATURESET. This could be fixed similarly to
what is presented before.

Olivier Mehani <olivier.meh...@nicta.com.au>
PGP fingerprint: 4435 CF6A 7C8D DD9B E2DE  F5F9 F012 A6E2 98C6 6655

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Description: Cryptographic signature

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