Control: reassign -1 cclive
Control: tags -1 found cclive/0.7.16-2+b1

I could reproduce the problem with cclive:

$ cclive "";
Checking ... ..... .......... .....libquvi: error: server response code
403 (conncode=0)

When opening the link with a browser, I get a message about the video
not available in my country.

clive is now a simple transitional package to cclive, to I'm reassigning
the report.

I note that many other errors are now returned, but not the geo-ip ones:

$ cclive
Checking ... .......... ...... libquvi: error:
/usr/share/libquvi-scripts/lua/website/youtube.lua:112: This video does
not exist. (code=100)

$ cclive "";
Checking ... .... .... libquvi: error:
/usr/share/libquvi-scripts/lua/website/youtube.lua:112: "[Bette Midler
Movie] Ru..."
The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due
to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. (code=100)

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