clone 605900 -1 -2
reassign -1 yaboot-installer
retitle -1 drives seem to be detected in undefined order
severity -1 important
merge 572925 -1
tags 572925 - help
reassign -2 yaboot
retitle -2 mkofboot couldn't find /proc/scsi
forcemerge 572869 -2
reassign 605900 xorg
retitle 605900 PowerMac G3 (B&W): X running wild filling log file
tags 605900 moreinfo

On 12/04/2010 10:00 AM, Risto Suominen wrote:
> Third problem was with X. It was running wild and filling the disk
> with its log file. The salvation came with package
> firmware-linux-nonfree containing the file r128_cce.bin. Still, I'm
> unable to log out and in again, as this makes X hang.

Please run "/usr/share/bug/xorg/script 3>/tmp/script.log"
and attach the generated file.

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