I am sending you a patch to fix this bug.

Josué M. Abarca S.
Vos mereces Software Libre.
PGP key 4096R/70D8FB2A 2009-06-17
Huella de clave = B3ED 4984 F65A 9AE0 6511  DAF4 756B EB4B 70D8 FB2A
--- /tmp/es.po	2011-01-19 01:49:18.000000000 -0600
+++ es.po	2011-01-19 01:49:51.000000000 -0600
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 #: src/main_window.vala:465
 msgid "Show user"
-msgstr "Mostrar menĂș"
+msgstr "Mostrar usuario"
 #: src/main_window.vala:466
 msgid "Show information about specified user"

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