On mer., 2011-05-18 at 23:04 -0400, Frank Zambrini wrote:
> Blueman-applet is in the systray, but I couldn't stop it.

Try to kill it, maybe?
> Not sure why there are four instances of xfdesktop running. 

Try to kill them but one and retry. It might be worth starting with a
fresh session too.

All in all, try to check who's not behaving correctly by running
xfce4-session-logout, seeing if the delay appears, kill one process,
goto 1.

> > Looks like a  Consolekit issue, read README.Debian in xfce4 and
> > xfce4-session. Is upower installed, by the way?
> Yes
> ii  upower       0.9.9-4         abstraction for power management
> > Not really. Slim has an issue but gdm should work fine.
> For me, gdm behaves like slim. 

Do you mean that there's the 20s delay, that you don't have
suspend/hibernate in the logout dialog, or both?


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