Yellow wrote:-
>Festival rocks but I would like to notice that few information are given 
>regarding .festivalrc

>I would like to that one user use :

>but however his festivalrc looks like this:

>(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command "aplay -q -c 1 -t raw -f s16 -r $SR $FILE")
>(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command)

>which is already nice. How please can he use the festvox-rablpc16k only by 
>changing his .festivalrc ?

>Thank you in advance

>Kind regards

The default voice may be changed in the .festivalrc file with the line

(set! voice_default 'voice_rab_diphone)

where rab_diphone is the new default voice and is located in
. Similarly if you wish to switch to voice cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts
in the directory /usr/share/festival/voices/us/ you would use

(set! voice_default 'voice_cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts)

best regards

P.S. Apologies to Kartik for jumping in. This is the first time I have tried
to assist anyone. Please email me if I have broken Debian Policy etc
with very best regards to the Debian community.

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