On lun., 2011-09-12 at 11:24 +0200, Klaumi Klingsporn wrote:
> As described in Bug # 474588 orage doesn't ship its own timezone files
> since version 4.8. But now orage can't handle timezone information in
> calendar files any more and it is impossible to select or change
> timezone in the preferences-dialogue (there is nothing to select!).
> This is an upstream-known bug (see:
> https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7929 ) caused by a bug of
> libical. The only solution seems to be to reenable the local libical
> (needs compiling and linking from the source).
> It would be nice if this could be done in the debian-package, because
> it's better to have orage ship its own timezone-files but full
> functionality than half functionality of the programm without its own
> timezone-files ;-)
If this is a libical bug, this need to be addressed in libical.
Re-enabling embedded libical is a workaround but I'd prefer not be
forced to do that.

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