Package: sun-java6-bin
Version: 6-07-3~bpo40+1


Using an Etch distribution, I tried to install a JRE, and the only
available in the repos were sun-java5-jre and sun-java6-jre; I wanted to
install sun-java6-jre, and the following is a transcript of what happened :

urbana:/home/david$ apt-get -V install sun-java6-bin
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances... Fait
Les paquets supplémentaires suivants seront installés :
   sun-java6-jre (6-07-3~bpo40+1)
Paquets suggérés :
   binfmt-support (1.2.8)
   sun-java6-plugin (6-07-3~bpo40+1)
   ia32-sun-java6-plugin ()
   sun-java6-fonts (6-07-3~bpo40+1)
   ttf-baekmuk (2.2-1)
   ttf-unfonts (1.0.1-4)
   ttf-unfonts-core ()
   ttf-kochi-gothic (1.0.20030809-4)
   ttf-sazanami-gothic (
   ttf-kochi-mincho (1.0.20030809-4)
   ttf-sazanami-mincho (
   ttf-arphic-uming (0.1.20060928-2)
Paquets recommandés :
   libasound2 (1.0.13-2)
   libxext6 (1.0.1-2)
   libxi6 (1.0.1-4)
   libxp6 (1.0.0.xsf1-1)
   libxtst6 (1.0.1-5)
   libnss-mdns (0.9-0.2)
   gsfonts-x11 (0.20)
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
   sun-java6-bin (6-07-3~bpo40+1)
   sun-java6-jre (6-07-3~bpo40+1)
0 mis à jour, 2 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0o/33,6Mo dans les archives.
Après dépaquetage, 96,4Mo d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer [O/n] ?
Préconfiguration des paquets...
Sélection du paquet sun-java6-jre précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 26367 fichiers et répertoires déjà
Dépaquetage de sun-java6-jre (à partir de
.../sun-java6-jre_6-07-3~bpo40+1_all.deb) ...
sun-dlj-v1-1 license has already been accepted
Sélection du paquet sun-java6-bin précédemment désélectionné.
Dépaquetage de sun-java6-bin (à partir de
.../sun-java6-bin_6-07-3~bpo40+1_i386.deb) ...
sun-dlj-v1-1 license has already been accepted
Paramétrage de sun-java6-bin (6-07-3~bpo40+1) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/sun-java6-bin.postinst: line 88: 12286 Processus
arrêté      $basedir/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump $xmarg
-XX:PermSize=128m >$log
dpkg : erreur de traitement de sun-java6-bin (--configure) :
 le sous-processus post-installation script a retourné une erreur de
sortie d'état 1
dpkg : des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
sun-java6-jre :
 sun-java6-jre dépend de sun-java6-bin (= 6-07-3~bpo40+1) |
ia32-sun-java6-bin (= 6-07-3~bpo40+1) ; cependant :
 Le paquet sun-java6-bin n'est pas encore configuré.
  Le paquet ia32-sun-java6-bin n'est pas installé.
dpkg : erreur de traitement de sun-java6-jre (--configure) :
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

The system is configured as follows :
urbana:/home/david$ uname -a
Linux urbana #1 SMP Tue Jul 8 10:32:15 UTC 2008 i686
urbana:/home/david$ ls -l /lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2010-11-08 15:02 /lib/ ->
urbana:/home/david$ cat /etc/debian_version

The faulty script is the following :
urbana:/home/david$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/sun-java6-bin.postinst

set -e

jre_tools='ControlPanel java java_vm javaws jcontrol keytool pack200
policytool rmid rmiregistry unpack200 orbd servertool tnameserv'

case "$1" in
    [ -d /etc/.java ] || mkdir -m 755 /etc/.java
    [ -d /etc/.java/.systemPrefs ] || mkdir -m 755 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs
    if [ ! -f /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock ]; then
    touch /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
    chmod 644 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
    if [ ! -f /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile ]; then
    touch /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
    chmod 644 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile

    for i in $jar_packs; do
    jar=$(echo $i | sed 's/\.pack$/.jar/')
    $basedir/bin/unpack200 $basedir/$i $basedir/$jar
    chmod 644 $basedir/$jar
    for i in $jre_tools; do
    unset slave1 slave2 || true
        if [ -e $mandir/man1/$i.$srcext ]; then
        slave1="--slave \
        /usr/share/man/man1/$i.$dstext \
                $i.$dstext \
    # disabled
        if false && [ -e $mandir/ja/man1/$i.$srcext ]; then
        slave2="--slave \
        /usr/share/man/ja/man1/$i.$dstext \
                ${i}_ja.$dstext \
        update-alternatives \
            --install \
            /usr/bin/$i \
            $i \
            $basediralias/jre/bin/$i \
            $priority \
        $slave1 $slave2

    update-alternatives \
    --install \
    /usr/bin/jexec \
    jexec \
    $basediralias/jre/lib/jexec \
    $priority \
    --slave \
        /usr/share/binfmts/jar \
        jexec-binfmt \

    # register binfmt
    if [ -x /usr/sbin/update-binfmts ] && [ -r /usr/share/binfmts/jar ];
        /usr/sbin/update-binfmts --package sun-java6 --import jar

    # fix slave links for man page alternatives
    if [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 6-00-2ubuntu2; then
    for i in $jre_tools; do
        current=$(LANG=C update-alternatives --display $i 2>&1 \
        | awk '/link currently points to/ { print $NF}')
        case "$current" in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun*)
            update-alternatives --quiet --set $i $basediralias/jre/bin/$i

    mount | grep -qs '^proc on /proc' || echo >&2 "/proc is not mounted;
some java apps may fail"

    # activate class data sharing
    case i386 in i386|sparc)
    rm -f $basedir/jre/lib/i386/client/classes.jsa
    xmarg=$(awk '/^((Mem|Swap)Free|Cached):/ { m+=$2 } END { if (m >
1048576) print "-Xmx1m" }' /proc/meminfo 2>/dev/null || true)
    if ! $basedir/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump $xmarg -XX:PermSize=128m
> $log; then
        cat >2 $log
        rm -f $log
        exit 1
    rm -f $log

    # respect the debconf choice not to grant the stopThread permission
    #db_get sun-java6-jre/stopthread
    #if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
    #    POL=/etc/$jdiralias/security/java.policy
    #    mv $POL $POL.orig
    #    sed "s:\(\\tpermission java.lang.RuntimePermission
\"stopThread\";\)://\\1:" < $POL.orig > $POL
    #    rm $POL.orig



# Automatically added by dh_installmime
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-mime 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
# End automatically added section
# Automatically added by dh_desktop
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && which update-desktop-database >/dev/null
2>&1 ; then
    update-desktop-database -q
# End automatically added section
# Automatically added by dh_installmenu
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-menus 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
# End automatically added section

exit 0

The code block which seems to cause the problem is labelled "# activate
class data sharing"; I tried to comment this block and manually run its
commands as my architecture would lead to, but, afterwards, java won't
run anything, only responding as follows :

urbana:/home/david$ java -version
Processus arrêté # Note : This means "Process stopped" in French

I noticed that sun-java5-bin shows a similar error when trying its
installation :

urbana:/home/david$ apt-get install sun-java5-jre
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances... Fait
Les paquets supplémentaires suivants seront installés :
Paquets suggérés :
  libnss-mdns sun-java5-plugin ia32-sun-java5-plugin sun-java5-fonts
ttf-baekmuk ttf-unfonts ttf-unfonts-core ttf-kochi-gothic
ttf-sazanami-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho ttf-sazanami-mincho ttf-arphic-uming
Paquets recommandés :
  libasound2 libxext6 libxi6 libxp6 libxt6 libxtst6 gsfonts-x11
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
  sun-java5-bin sun-java5-jre
0 mis à jour, 2 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 29,9Mo dans les archives.
Après dépaquetage, 82,8Mo d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer [O/n] ?
Réception de : 1 etch/non-free sun-java5-bin
1.5.0-14-1etch1 [22,4MB]
Réception de : 2 etch/non-free sun-java5-jre
1.5.0-14-1etch1 [7465kB]
29,9Mo réceptionnés en 2s (10,2Mo/s)   
Préconfiguration des paquets...
Sélection du paquet sun-java5-bin précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 26367 fichiers et répertoires déjà
Dépaquetage de sun-java5-bin (à partir de
.../sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-14-1etch1_i386.deb) ...
sun-dlj-v1-1 license has already been accepted
Sélection du paquet sun-java5-jre précédemment désélectionné.
Dépaquetage de sun-java5-jre (à partir de
.../sun-java5-jre_1.5.0-14-1etch1_all.deb) ...
sun-dlj-v1-1 license has already been accepted
Paramétrage de sun-java5-jre (1.5.0-14-1etch1) ...

Paramétrage de sun-java5-bin (1.5.0-14-1etch1) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/sun-java5-bin.postinst: line 70: 13546 Processus
arrêté      $basedir/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump >/dev/null
dpkg : erreur de traitement de sun-java5-bin (--configure) :
 le sous-processus post-installation script a retourné une erreur de
sortie d'état 137
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

urbana:/home/david$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/sun-java5-bin.postinst

set -e

jre_tools='ControlPanel java java_vm javaws keytool pack200 policytool
rmid rmiregistry unpack200 orbd servertool tnameserv'

case "$1" in
    [ -d /etc/.java ] || mkdir -m 755 /etc/.java
    [ -d /etc/.java/.systemPrefs ] || mkdir -m 755 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs
    if [ ! -f /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock ]; then
    touch /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
    chmod 644 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.system.lock
    if [ ! -f /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile ]; then
    touch /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
    chmod 644 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile

    for i in $jar_packs; do
    jar=$(echo $i | sed 's/\.pack$/.jar/')
    $basedir/bin/unpack200 $basedir/$i $basedir/$jar
    chmod 644 $basedir/$jar
    for i in $jre_tools; do
    unset slave1 slave2 || true
        if [ -e $mandir/man1/$i.$srcext ]; then
        slave1="--slave \
        /usr/share/man/man1/$i.$dstext \
                $i.$dstext \
    # disabled
        if false && [ -e $mandir/ja/man1/$i.$srcext ]; then
        slave2="--slave \
        /usr/share/man/ja/man1/$i.$dstext \
                ${i}_ja.$dstext \
        update-alternatives \
            --install \
            /usr/bin/$i \
            $i \
            $basediralias/jre/bin/$i \
            $priority \
        $slave1 $slave2

    # fix slave links for man page alternatives
    if [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1.5.0-11-1ubuntu2;
    for i in $jre_tools; do
        current=$(LANG=C update-alternatives --display $i 2>&1 \
        | awk '/link currently points to/ { print $NF}')
        case "$current" in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun*)
            update-alternatives --quiet --set $i $basediralias/jre/bin/$i

    # activate class data sharing
    case i386 in i386|sparc)
    rm -f $basedir/jre/lib/i386/client/classes.jsa
    $basedir/bin/java -client -Xshare:dump > /dev/null

    # respect the debconf choice not to grant the stopThread permission
    #db_get sun-java5-jre/stopthread
    #if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
    #    POL=/etc/$jdiralias/security/java.policy
    #    mv $POL $POL.orig
    #    sed "s:\(\\tpermission java.lang.RuntimePermission
\"stopThread\";\)://\\1:" < $POL.orig > $POL
    #    rm $POL.orig



# Automatically added by dh_installmime
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-mime 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
# End automatically added section
# Automatically added by dh_desktop
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && which update-desktop-database >/dev/null
2>&1 ; then
    update-desktop-database -q
# End automatically added section
# Automatically added by dh_installmenu
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-menus 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
# End automatically added section

exit 0

I also tried using unstable repos, but the same error occured.

Notice :

urbana:/home/david$ dpkg -l
Souhait=inconnU/Installé/suppRimé/Purgé/H=à garder
| État=Non/Installé/fichier-Config/dépaqUeté/échec-conFig/H=semi-installé
|/ Err?=(aucune)/H=à garder/besoin Réinstallation/X=les deux (État,Err:
||/ Nom                         Version                     Description
ii  adduser                     3.102                       Add and
remove users and groups
ii  alien                       8.64                        install
non-native packages with dpkg
ii  apache-common               1.3.34-4.1+etch1            support
files for all Apache webservers
ii  apache2                     2.2.3-4+etch11              Next
generation, scalable, extendable web server
ii  apache2-mpm-prefork         2.2.3-4+etch11              Traditional
model for Apache HTTPD 2.1
ii  apache2-utils               2.2.3-4+etch11              utility
programs for webservers
ii  apache2.2-common            2.2.3-4+etch11              Next
generation, scalable, extendable web server
ii  apt                         Advanced
front-end for dpkg
ii  apt-utils                   APT utility
ii  autorespond                 2.0.5-1                     email
autoresponder for qmail
ii  base-files                  4.0.1~bpo40+1               Debian base
system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd                 3.5.11                      Debian base
system master password and group files
ii  bash                        3.1dfsg-8                   The GNU
Bourne Again SHell
ii  bind9-host                  9.3.4-2etch6                Version of
'host' bundled with BIND 9.X
ii  binutils                    2.17-3+etch1                The GNU
assembler, linker and binary utilities
ii  bogofilter                  1.1.3-1                     a fast
Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
ii  bogofilter-bdb              1.1.3-1                     a fast
Bayesian spam filter (Berkeley DB)
ii  bogofilter-common           1.1.3-1                     a fast
Bayesian spam filter (common files)
ii  bsdmainutils                6.1.6                       collection
of more utilities from FreeBSD
ii  bsdutils                    2.12r-19etch1               Basic
utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
ii  build-essential             11.3                       
informational list of build-essential packages
ii  bzip2                       1.0.3-6                     high-quality
block-sorting file compressor - utilities
ii  ca-certificates             20070303                    Common CA
Certificates PEM files
ii  clamassassin                1.2.4-1                     email virus
filter wrapper for ClamAV
ii  clamav                      0.95.3+dfsg-1~volatile1~etc anti-virus
utility for Unix - command-line interface
ii  clamav-base                 0.95.3+dfsg-1~volatile1~etc anti-virus
utility for Unix - base package
ii  clamav-daemon               0.95.3+dfsg-1~volatile1~etc anti-virus
utility for Unix - scanner daemon
ii  clamav-freshclam            0.95.3+dfsg-1~volatile1~etc anti-virus
utility for Unix - virus database update utility
ii  comerr-dev                  2.1-1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.1 common error
description library - headers and static libraries
ii  console-common              0.7.69                      Basic
infrastructure for text console configuration
ii  console-data                1.01-7                      Keymaps,
fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools
ii  console-tools               0.2.3dbs-65                 Linux
console and font utilities
ii  coreutils                   5.97-5.3                    The GNU core
ii  cpio                        2.6-18.1+etch1              GNU cpio --
a program to manage archives of files
ii  cpp                         4.1.1-15                    The GNU C
preprocessor (cpp)
ii  cpp-4.1                     4.1.1-21                    The GNU C
ii  cron                        3.0pl1-100                  management
of regular background processing
ii  debconf                     1.5.11etch2                 Debian
configuration management system
ii  debconf-i18n                1.5.11etch2                 full
internationalization support for debconf
ii  debconf-utils               1.5.11etch2                 debconf
ii  debhelper                   5.0.42                      helper
programs for debian/rules
ii  debian-archive-keyring      2009.01.31                  GnuPG
archive keys of the Debian archive
ii  debianutils                 2.17                       
Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii  diff                        2.8.1-11                    File
comparison utilities
ii  dnsutils                    9.3.4-2etch6                Clients
provided with BIND
ii  dpkg                        1.13.26                     package
maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev                    1.13.26                     package
building tools for Debian
ii  dselect                     1.13.26                     user tool to
manage Debian packages
ii  e2fslibs                    1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+df ext2
filesystem libraries
ii  e2fsprogs                   1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+df ext2 file
system utilities and libraries
ii  ethtool                     5-1                         display or
change ethernet card settings
ii  ezmlm-idx                   0.53-11.dotdeb.1            easy-to-use
high-speed mailing list manager for qmail
ii  fail2ban                    0.7.5-2etch1                bans IPs
that cause multiple authentication errors
rc  fakeroot                    1.5.10                      Gives a fake
root environment
ii  file                        4.17-5etch3                 Determines
file type using "magic" numbers
ii  findutils                   4.2.28-1etch1               utilities
for finding files--find, xargs, and locate
ii  ftp                         0.17-16                     The FTP client
ii  g++                         4.1.1-15                    The GNU C++
ii  g++-4.1                     4.1.1-21                    The GNU C++
ii  gawk                        3.1.5.dfsg-4                GNU awk, a
pattern scanning and processing language
ii  gcc                         4.1.1-15                    The GNU C
ii  gcc-4.1                     4.1.1-21                    The GNU C
ii  gcc-4.1-base                4.1.1-21                    The GNU
Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gettext                     0.16.1-1                    GNU
Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base                0.16.1-1                    GNU
Internationalization utilities for the base system
ii  gnupg                       1.4.6-2+etch1               GNU privacy
guard - a free PGP replacement
ii  gpgv                        1.4.6-2+etch1               GNU privacy
guard - signature verification tool
ii  grep                        2.5.1.ds2-6                 GNU grep,
egrep and fgrep
ii  groff-base                         GNU troff
text-formatting system (base system components)
ii  grub                        0.97-27etch1                GRand
Unified Bootloader
ii  gzip                        1.3.5-15+etch1              The GNU
compression utility
ii  hostname                    2.93                        utility to
set/show the host name or domain name
ii  html2text                   1.3.2a-3                    An advanced
HTML to text converter
ii  htop                        0.6.3-1                     interactive
processes viewer
ii  ifupdown                    0.6.8                       high level
tools to configure network interfaces
ii  initscripts                 2.86.ds1-38+etchnhalf.1     Scripts for
initializing and shutting down the system
ii  intltool-debian             0.35.0+20060710.1           Help i18n of
RFC822 compliant config files
ii  iptables                     
administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
ii  iputils-ping                20020927-6                  Tools to
test the reachability of network hosts
ii  isoqlog                     2.2-0.6                     Mail
Transport Agent log analysis program
ii  java-common                 0.25                        Base of all
Java packages
ii  kexec-tools                 1.101-kdump10-2             kexec tool
ii  klogd                       1.4.1-18                    Kernel
Logging Daemon
ii  language-env                0.68                        simple
configuration tool for native language environment
ii  less                        394-4                       Pager
program similar to more
ii  libacl1                     2.2.41-1                    Access
control list shared library
ii  libapache-mod-php4          4.4.9-0.dotdeb.1            server-side,
HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 1.3 module)
ii  libapache2-mod-php5         5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           server-side,
HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 module)
ii  libapache2-svn              1.4.2dfsg1-3                Subversion
server modules for Apache
ii  libapr1                     1.2.7-9                     The Apache
Portable Runtime Library
ii  libaprutil1                 1.2.7+dfsg-2+etch3          The Apache
Portable Runtime Utility Library
ii  libattr1                    2.4.32-1                    Extended
attribute shared library
ii  libbeecrypt6                4.1.2-6                     open source
C library of cryptographic algorithms
ii  libbind9-0                  9.3.4-2etch6                BIND9 Shared
Library used by BIND
ii  libblkid1                   1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+df block device
id library
ii  libbz2-1.0                  1.0.3-6                     high-quality
block-sorting file compressor library - runtime
ii  libc6                       2.3.6.ds1-13etch10+b1       GNU C
Library: Shared libraries
ii  libc6-dev                   2.3.6.ds1-13etch10+b1       GNU C
Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
ii  libcap1                     1.10-14                     support for
getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
rc  libclamav3                  0.92.1~dfsg-0.dotdeb.1      anti-virus
utility for Unix - library
ii  libclamav5                  0.94.dfsg.2-1~volatile3     anti-virus
utility for Unix - library
ii  libclamav6                  0.95.3+dfsg-1~volatile1~etc anti-virus
utility for Unix - library
ii  libcomerr2                  1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+df common error
description library
ii  libconsole                  0.2.3dbs-65                 Shared
libraries for Linux console and font manipulation
ii  libcurl3                    7.15.5-1etch3              
Multi-protocol file transfer library
ii  libdb4.2                    4.2.52+dfsg-2               Berkeley
v4.2 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdb4.3                    4.3.29-8                    Berkeley
v4.3 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdb4.4                    4.4.20-8                    Berkeley
v4.4 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdevmapper1.02            1.02.08-1                   The Linux
Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
ii  libdns22                    9.3.4-2etch6                DNS Shared
Library used by BIND
ii  libedit2                    2.9.cvs.20050518-2.2        BSD editline
and history libraries
ii  libexpat1                   1.95.8-3.4+etch3            XML parsing
C library - runtime library
ii  libexpat1-dev               1.95.8-3.4+etch3            XML parsing
C library - development kit
ii  libfreetype6                2.2.1-5+etch4               FreeType 2
font engine, shared library files
ii  libgcc1                     4.1.1-21                    GCC support
ii  libgcrypt11                 1.2.3-2                     LGPL Crypto
library - runtime library
ii  libgd2-noxpm                2.0.33-5.2etch2             GD Graphics
Library version 2 (without XPM support)
ii  libgdbm3                    1.8.3-3                     GNU dbm
database routines (runtime version)
ii  libgmp3c2                   4.2.1+dfsg-4               
Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii  libgnutls13                 1.4.4-3+etch5               the GNU TLS
library - runtime library
ii  libgpg-error0               1.4-1                       library for
common error values and messages in GnuPG components
ii  libgpmg1                    1.19.6-25                   General
Purpose Mouse - shared library
ii  libgsl0                     1.8-2                       GNU
Scientific Library (GSL) -- library package
ii  libidn11                    0.6.5-1                     GNU libidn
library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications
ii  libisc11                    9.3.4-2etch6                ISC Shared
Library used by BIND
ii  libisccc0                   9.3.4-2etch6                Command
Channel Library used by BIND
ii  libisccfg1                  9.3.4-2etch6                Config File
Handling Library used by BIND
ii  libjpeg62                   6b-13                       The
Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library
ii  libkadm55                   1.4.4-7etch8                MIT Kerberos
administration runtime libraries
ii  libkrb5-dev                 1.4.4-7etch8                Headers and
development libraries for MIT Kerberos
ii  libkrb53                    1.4.4-7etch8                MIT Kerberos
runtime libraries
ii  libldap2                    2.1.30-13.3                 OpenLDAP
ii  liblocale-gettext-perl      1.05-1                      Using libc
functions for internationalization in Perl
ii  liblockfile1                1.06.1                      NFS-safe
locking library, includes dotlockfile program
ii  libltdl3                    1.5.22-4+etch1              A system
independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool
ii  liblwres9                   9.3.4-2etch6                Lightweight
Resolver Library used by BIND
ii  liblzo1                     1.08-3                      data
compression library (old version)
ii  libmagic1                   4.17-5etch3                 File type
determination library using "magic" numbers
ii  libmysqlclient15off         5.0.84-0.dotdeb.0           MySQL
database client library
ii  libncurses5                 5.5-5                       Shared
libraries for terminal handling
ii  libncursesw5                5.5-5                       Shared
libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
ii  libneon25                   0.25.5.dfsg-6               An HTTP and
WebDAV client library
ii  libneon26                   0.26.2-4                    An HTTP and
WebDAV client library
ii  libnewt0.52                 0.52.2-10+etch1             Not Erik's
Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang
ii  libopencdk8                 0.5.9-2                     Open Crypto
Development Kit (OpenCDK) (runtime)
ii  libpam-modules              0.79-5+etch1                Pluggable
Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-runtime              0.79-5+etch1                Runtime
support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g                    0.79-5+etch1                Pluggable
Authentication Modules library
ii  libpci2                     2.1.11-3                    Obsolete
shared library for accessing pci devices
ii  libpcre3                    6.7+7.4-4                   Perl 5
Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
ii  libpng12-0                  1.2.15~beta5-1+etch2        PNG library
- runtime
ii  libpopt0                    1.10-3                      lib for
parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libpq-dev                   8.1.19-0etch1               header files
for libpq4 (PostgreSQL library)
ii  libpq4                      8.1.19-0etch1               PostgreSQL C
client library
ii  libpq5                      8.3.9-0lenny1~bpo40+1       PostgreSQL C
client library
ii  libreadline5                5.2-2                       GNU readline
and history libraries, run-time libraries
ii  librpm4                     4.4.1-13                    RPM shared
ii  libsasl2                    2.1.22.dfsg1-8+etch1       
Authentication abstraction library
ii  libsasl2-2                  2.1.22.dfsg1-8+etch1       
Authentication abstraction library
ii  libselinux1                 1.32-3                      SELinux
shared libraries
ii  libsensors3                 2.10.1-3                    library to
read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
ii  libsepol1                   1.14-2                      Security
Enhanced Linux policy library for changing policy binaries
ii  libslang2                   2.0.6-4                     The S-Lang
programming library - runtime version
ii  libsnmp-base                5.2.3-7etch4                NET SNMP
(Simple Network Management Protocol) MIBs and Docs
ii  libsnmp-session-perl        1.08-1                      Perl support
for accessing SNMP-aware devices
ii  libsnmp9                    5.2.3-7etch4                NET SNMP
(Simple Network Management Protocol) Library
ii  libsqlite0                  2.8.17-2                    SQLite
shared library
ii  libsqlite3-0                3.3.8-1.1                   SQLite 3
shared library
ii  libss2                      1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+df command-line
interface parsing library
ii  libssl-dev                  0.9.8c-4etch9               SSL
development libraries, header files and documentation
ii  libssl0.9.8                 0.9.8c-4etch9               SSL shared
ii  libssp0                     4.1.1-21                    GCC stack
smashing protection library
ii  libstdc++6                  4.1.1-21                    The GNU
Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libstdc++6-4.1-dev          4.1.1-21                    The GNU
Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
ii  libsvn1                     1.4.2dfsg1-3                Shared
libraries used by Subversion
ii  libsysfs2                   2.1.0-1                     interface
library to sysfs
ii  libt1-5                     5.1.0-2etch1                Type 1 font
rasterizer library - runtime
ii  libtasn1-3                  0.3.6-2                     Manage ASN.1
structures (runtime)
ii  libtext-charwidth-perl      0.04-4                      get display
widths of characters on the terminal
ii  libtext-iconv-perl          1.4-3                       converts
between character sets in Perl
ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl       0.06-5                     
internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
ii  libusb-0.1-4                0.1.12-5                    userspace
USB programming library
ii  libuuid1                    1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+df universally
unique id library
ii  libvpopmail1                5.4.25-0.dotdeb.2           vpopmail
ii  libwrap0                    7.6.dbs-13                  Wietse
Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii  libx11-6                    1.0.3-7                     X11
client-side library
ii  libx11-data                 1.0.3-7                     X11
client-side library
ii  libxau6                     1.0.1-2                     X11
authorisation library
ii  libxdmcp6                   1.0.1-2                     X11 Display
Manager Control Protocol library
ii  libxml2                     2.6.27.dfsg-6+etch1         GNOME XML
ii  libxpm4                     3.5.5-2                     X11 pixmap
ii  libxslt1.1                  1.1.19-3                    XSLT
processing library - runtime library
ii  libzzip-0-12                0.12.83-8                   library
providing read access on ZIP-archives - library
rc  linux-image-2.6.18-6-686    2.6.18.dfsg.1-18etch1       Linux 2.6.18
image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4
ii  linux-kernel-headers        2.6.18-7                    Linux Kernel
Headers for development
ii  locales                     2.3.6.ds1-13etch10          GNU C
Library: National Language (locale) data [support]
ii  login                         system login
ii  logrotate                   3.7.1-3                     Log rotation
ii  lsb-base                    3.1-23.2etch1               Linux
Standard Base 3.1 init script functionality
ii  lvm-common                  1.5.20                      The Logical
Volume Manager for Linux (common files)
ii  lvm2                        2.02.06-4etch1              The Linux
Logical Volume Manager
ii  lynx                        2.8.5-2sarge2.2             Text-mode
WWW Browser
ii  mailx                       8.1.2-0.20050715cvs-1       A simple
mail user agent
ii  make                        3.81-2                      The GNU
version of the "make" utility.
ii  makedev                     2.3.1-83                    creates
device files in /dev
ii  man-db                      2.4.3-6                     The on-line
manual pager
ii  manpages                    2.39-1                      Manual pages
about using a GNU/Linux system
ii  megaraid-manager            5.20-0.dotdeb.3             Megaraid Manager
ii  mime-support                3.39-1                      MIME files
'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
ii  mktemp                      1.5-2                       Makes unique
filenames for temporary files
ii  module-init-tools           3.3-pre4-2                  tools for
managing Linux kernel modules
ii  mount                       2.12r-19etch1               Tools for
mounting and manipulating filesystems
ii  mrtg                        2.14.7-2                    multi router
traffic grapher
ii  mtr-tiny                    0.71-2etch1                 Full screen
ncurses traceroute tool
ii  mysql-common                5.1.43-0.dotdeb.0           MySQL
database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf)
ii  ncurses-base                5.5-5                       Descriptions
of common terminal types
ii  ncurses-bin                 5.5-5                      
Terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  ncurses-term                5.5-5                       Additional
terminal type definitions
ii  net-tools                   1.60-17                     The NET-3
networking toolkit
ii  netbase                     4.29                        Basic TCP/IP
networking system
ii  nmap                        4.11-1                      The Network
ii  ntpdate                     4.2.2.p4+dfsg-2etch4        client for
setting system time from NTP servers
ii  odbcinst1debian1            2.2.11-13                   Support
library and helper program for accessing odbc ini files
ii  openbsd-inetd               0.20050402-6                The OpenBSD
Internet Superserver
ii  openssh-blacklist           0.1.1                       list of
blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys
ii  openssh-client              4.3p2-9etch3                Secure shell
client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement
ii  openssh-server              4.3p2-9etch3                Secure shell
server, an rshd replacement
ii  openssl                     0.9.8c-4etch9               Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools
ii  passwd                        change and
administer password and group data
ii  patch                       2.5.9-4                     Apply a diff
file to an original
ii  pciutils                    2.2.4~pre4-1                Linux PCI
ii  perl                        5.8.8-7etch6                Larry Wall's
Practical Extraction and Report Language
ii  perl-base                   5.8.8-7etch6                The
Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  perl-modules                5.8.8-7etch6                Core Perl
ii  php-pear                    5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           PEAR - PHP
Extension and Application Repository
ii  php4-common                 4.4.9-0.dotdeb.1            Common files
for packages built from the php4 source
ii  php4-pgsql                  4.4.9-0.dotdeb.1            PostgreSQL
module for php4
ii  php5                        5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           server-side,
HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)
ii  php5-apc                    5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           apc module
for php5
ii  php5-cli                    5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           command-line
interpreter for the php5 scripting language
ii  php5-common                 5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           Common files
for packages built from the php5 source
ii  php5-curl                   5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           CURL module
for php5
ii  php5-gd                     5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           GD module
for php5
ii  php5-pgsql                  5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           PostgreSQL
module for php5
ii  php5-sqlite                 5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           SQLite
module for php5
ii  php5-xsl                    5.2.12-0.dotdeb.0           XSL module
for php5
ii  phppgadmin                  4.0.1-3.1etch2              Set of PHP
scripts to administrate PostgreSQL over the WWW
ii  po-debconf                  1.0.8                       manage
translated Debconf templates files with gettext
ii  postgresql-8.1              8.1.19-0etch1              
object-relational SQL database, version 8.1 server
ii  postgresql-8.3              8.3.9-0lenny1~bpo40+1      
object-relational SQL database, version 8.3 server
ii  postgresql-client-8.1       8.1.19-0etch1               front-end
programs for PostgreSQL 8.1
ii  postgresql-client-8.3       8.3.9-0lenny1~bpo40+1       front-end
programs for PostgreSQL 8.3
ii  postgresql-client-common    94lenny1~bpo40+1            manager for
multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii  postgresql-common           94lenny1~bpo40+1            PostgreSQL
database-cluster manager
ii  procmail                    3.22-16                     Versatile
e-mail processor
ii  procps                      3.2.7-3                     /proc file
system utilities
ii  psmisc                      22.3-1                      Utilities
that use the proc filesystem
ii  ptop                        3.6.2~b2-1~bpo40+1          PostgreSQL
performance monitoring tool akin to top
ii  python                      2.4.4-2                     An
interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version)
ii  python-central              0.5.12                      register and
build utility for Python packages
ii  python-minimal              2.4.4-2                     A minimal
subset of the Python language (default version)
ii  python2.4                   2.4.4-3+etch3               An
interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4)
ii  python2.4-minimal           2.4.4-3+etch3               A minimal
subset of the Python language (version 2.4)
ii  qmail                       1.03-38.dotdeb.3            Secure,
reliable, efficient, simple mail transport system
ii  qmailadmin                  1.2.11-0.dotdeb.5           web
interface for managing qmail with virtual domains
ii  qmailmrtg7                  4.2-1                       qmail mrtg
graph generator
ii  readline-common             5.2-2                       GNU readline
and history libraries, common files
ii  rpm                         4.4.1-13                    Red Hat
package manager
ii  rsync                       3.0.3-2~bpo40+1             fast remote
file copy program (like rcp)
ii  safecat                     1.12-1                      safely copy
stdin to a file
ii  screen                      4.0.3-0.3+b1                a terminal
multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
ii  sed                         4.1.5-1                     The GNU sed
stream editor
ii  sgml-base                   1.26                        SGML
infrastructure and SGML catalog file support
ii  siege                       2.65-3                      Http
regression testing and benchmarking utility
ii  snmpd                       5.2.3-7etch4                NET SNMP
(Simple Network Management Protocol) Agents
ii  sqlite                      2.8.17-2                    command line
interface for SQLite
ii  ssh                         4.3p2-9etch3                Secure shell
client and server (transitional package)
ii  ssl-cert                    1.0.14                      Simple
debconf wrapper for openssl
ii  subversion                  1.4.2dfsg1-3                Advanced
version control system
ii  subversion-tools            1.4.2dfsg1-3                Assorted
tools related to Subversion
ii  sudo                        1.6.8p12-4                  Provide
limited super user privileges to specific users
ii  sysklogd                    1.4.1-18                    System
Logging Daemon
ii  sysv-rc                     2.86.ds1-38+etchnhalf.1    
System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
ii  sysvinit                    2.86.ds1-38+etchnhalf.1    
System-V-like init utilities
ii  sysvinit-utils              2.86.ds1-38+etchnhalf.1    
System-V-like utilities
ii  tar                         1.16-2etch1                 GNU tar
ii  tcpd                        7.6.dbs-13                  Wietse
Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii  telnet                      0.17-34                     The telnet
ii  tzdata                      2009g-0etch1.1              Time Zone
and Daylight Saving Time Data
ii  ucf                         2.0020                      Update
Configuration File: preserves user changes to config files.
ii  ucspi-tcp                   0.88-9.dotdeb.2             tools for
building TCP client-server applications.
ii  unixodbc                    2.2.11-13                   ODBC tools
ii  update-inetd                4.27-0.5                    inetd.conf
ii  util-linux                  2.12r-19etch1              
Miscellaneous system utilities
ii  vim                         7.0-122+1etch5              Vi IMproved
- enhanced vi editor
ii  vim-common                  7.0-122+1etch5              Vi IMproved
- Common files
ii  vim-runtime                 7.0-122+1etch5              Vi IMproved
- Runtime files
ii  vpopmail-bin                5.4.25-0.dotdeb.2           vpopmail
ii  vpopmail-doc                5.4.25-0.dotdeb.2           vpopmail
ii  websvn                      1.61-21                     interface
for subversion repositories written in PHP
ii  wget                        1.10.2-2+etch1              retrieves
files from the web
ii  whiptail                    0.52.2-10+etch1             Displays
user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
ii  whois                       4.7.20                      the GNU
whois client
ii  wwwconfig-common            0.0.48                      Debian web
auto configuration
ii  x11-common                  7.1.0-19                    X Window
System (X.Org) infrastructure
ii  xml-core                    0.09-0.1                    XML
infrastructure and XML catalog file support
ii  yggdrasil                   5.0.5-20100629-0            Generic
health tracker
ii  zlib1g                      1.2.3-13                    compression
library - runtime
ii  zlib1g-dev                  1.2.3-13                    compression
library - development

An obvious fix would be a clean install, but, as far as this is a web
server, we can't re-install it but in case of force majeure.

Kind regards


*David GUYOT*

/Administrateur système/

Europe Camions Interactive

Moulin Collot 88500 AMBACOURT


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