
as for the version of d0_blind_id: use the latest tagged version in the
v1.0 form. The Xonotic-specific tags should not be needed there, as the
only differences since xonotic-v0.7.0 affect only the standalone key
generator tool which does not come with Xonotic anyway (it is the file
crypto-keygen-standalone.c that comes with DarkPlaces).

And in fact, the xonotic-v0.8.0 tag and the v1.0 tag in the repository are
equivalent anyway.

As for building the pk3 files from source: I highly advise against that, as
the build process is very lengthy and involves non-free tools (which you
can - at a quality loss - replace by free ones):

- Textures are stored in tga form in git, but converted to S3TC using AMD
Compressonator. An alternate free Debian-packaged tool would be the s2tc
compressor, which can be told to use the S3TC libtxc_dxtn instead if you
want. This will however mean a quality loss. Logic for which files should
be compressed at all is in xonotic.git misc/tools/cached_converter.sh and
misc/tools/all/release.subr (our master build script). The cached_converter
already can be told to use the s2tc binary, and you can use e.g. LD_PRELOAD
to force it to use the S3TC libtxc_dxtn. This whole process, from zero,
will take about 6 hours.

Please, absolutely, do NOT ship a version of Xonotic by default that
doesn't use compressed textures, as this means a HUGE slowdown in
startup/loading times which users find really annoying!

- QuakeC code is built using gmqcc. You can mostly assume that using a
recent gmqcc build should do, as long as the code compiles. If you're
paranoid, use our integration test "./all serverbench" from our repository,
which runs a pre-defined botmatch with fixed random number generator and no
timing influence; to verify it, it outputs a checksum of the server log.
This should stay the same across gmqcc changes.

- Maps are compiled with q3map2. Command-line flags for it are stored in
two places:

misc/tools/xonotic-map-compiler contains the "default" flags we use when
nothing else is specified. You can adapt this to your build process, use it
as is, or just copy the default flags from there.

data/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/maps/mapname.map.options contains the non-default
options. Essentially, any line starting with - is used as command line
options passed to misc/tools/xonotic-map-compiler.

Also, misc/tools/xonotic-map-compiler-optionsfile parses the options file
and runs xonotic-map-compiler for convenience. This is actually what our
map build service is using, which we insist on to ensure well-documented
and repeatable map builds.

- I strongly advise against recompiling the maps with q3map2. First of all,
it really must be the NetRadiant fork of q3map2, as we have features and
bug fixes there not in any other q3map2 (the fork is a sad story and was
created because id software, owning q3map2 at the time, refused patches to
clear bug fixes that strongly affected us in Nexuiz - now the situation is
better, but it diverged too much from ZeroRadiant's q3map2 that there's
little hope of ever unifying them, unless someone can skip their full-time
job for a few months). But more importantly, q3map2's light pass is one of
the most inefficient raytracers I have ever seen, and will take about 2
days for all our maps together. I really don't think you want to put up
with that compile time.

After all this, I'd really prefer if you didn't recompile the pk3 files.
The only part that is easily servicable and also patch-worthy is the QuakeC
code, which I'd be fine with if you patched/recompiled it and replaced the
progs.dat/csprogs.dat/menu.dat files generated by its compilation in our
xonotic-data pk3 file.

Best regards,

Rudolf Polzer

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