On mer., 2012-03-28 at 15:57 +0200, Arian Sanusi wrote:
> > By the way, how exactly did you setup xfpm? Especially, what is selected
> > in “When laptop lid is closed” in both “on AC” and “On Battery” tabs,
> > and is the checkbox “lock screen when going for suspend/hibernate” in
> > “Extended” tab.
> On AC: "when laptop lid is closed:" : "Lock Screen"
> On Battery: "when laptop lid is closed:" : "Suspend"

And what about the extended tab?
> I also attached the corresponding part of xfce4-config. I guess it only 
> has the settings I changed from defaults, so that's these two plus 
> action on power button is set to ask for action.
> > Mhmh, by the way, when you close the lid, does the system go to sleep or
> > not?
> It does so when it is configured for this, i.e. with the settings I have 
> now when AC power is unplugged.
> I permutated the 2x2 possibilities:
>       AC      Battery
> Suspend       works   works
> Lock  not w   not workign

So when you ask to suspend, it suspends and lock, but when you only ask
to lock, it only locks when no external monitor is plugged. Am I right?
> and for completeness: I'm using xscreensaver.
> When I don't have the external monitor, the only thing changing in debug 
> output is:
> > TRACE[xfpm-manager.c:317] xfpm_manager_lid_changed_cb(): LID close event: 
> > ((XfpmLidTriggerAction) LID_TRIGGER_LOCK_SCREEN)
> > xscreensaver-command: activating and locking.
> the xscreensaver-command is not there with 2 monitors.

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