Package: nexuiz-data
Version: 2.5.2-6
Severity: important

Xonotic developers tell me that Nexuiz' QuakeC code will not compile with
current versions of fteqcc, due to an incompatible change in fteqcc. However,
packaging Xonotic requires a current version of fteqcc.

The incompatible change is:

* (ent.array)[i] is not valid, because QuakeC array semantics are weird

* in the version of fteqcc we ship, there is a precedence hack so ent.array[i]
  parses as ent.(array[i]), which works

* later versions of fteqcc introduce string character indexing, so
  ent.strfield[i] should parse as (ent.strfield)[i]

* this means the precedence hack was removed, so ent.array[i] parses as
  (ent.array)[i] which isn't valid for arrays

The solution is apparently to replace all expressions of the form
"ent.array[i]" with "ent.(array[i])".


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