
Le jeudi 24 mai 2012 11:11:04, Olivier Berger a écrit :
> AFAIU, One nodes will get /var/tmp/one populated with the scripts necessary
> for deploying VMs, etc.
> I fear this is a bit risky, as I don't consider these scripts and conf
> files (if any?) temporary, once the node has been created. I think it
> would make more sense to have these inside some /var/lib/one-node/ or
> similar path, so that one will not inadvertantly remove them.
> What's your opinion (besides issues of migration, but that can probably be
> configured with a PATH variable to adjust to systems deployed already with
> previous versions of the packages) ?

AFAIK, there is no need to keeping /var/tmp/one content in a more persistant 
location. If /var/tmp/one is accidentally removed / purge, you can redeploy 
everything with :

$> onehost sync <node>

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