Rum'or N*e*w_s*: Onco. logy M e_d,. I n-c,. (OT+C: ON,CO) a C ancer T r eatment Solut+io.ns Gro up is s*a'i*d to h*a*v,e experie.n*ced o v*e+r a 10'00% inc_reas-e in re venue*s f o_r t_h*e fi_scal 3-r d qu+arter endi*ng J_u l,y+, 2*0+0*7 com+pare_d w'i.t h t'h e prio'r y,e.a_r whil'e fi_scal fourt h qua-rter re-sults f,o*r 2.0_0*7 a*r e on to e,xceed t h*i_s ye_ar’s t-hird quarte.r result's.

O-N'C'O additi,o nally plan.s to i_ncre-ase s,ervice offe.ri+ngs wh'ich a-r e curr.e+ntly under*'way.

Don.’t w_a+i t f_o-r t-h_e n_e'w,s to c.o*m,e o_u t a*n.d l'o.s'e t h-e 
opp,ortunit+y to g,e-t in fron t of the

gene-ral i._nvesting publi.c. Onco+*logy M-e*d is in a multi,bi_llion dol.lar indu-s*try w.h_e_r*e t_h_e.y a*r_e gaini+ng shar.e rapidly*.

C'a,l'l y+o*u*r b-roker n.o+w f.o,r O,N_C O-.

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