Package: python3.3
Version: 3.3.0-6
Tags: experimental, fixed-upstream

To reproduce the bug:

$ pyvenv-3.3 /tmp/testenv
$ cd  /tmp/testenv # just to not pollute fs for this test
$ . /tmp/testenv/bin/activate
(testenv) $ curl -O
(testenv) $ python
(testenv) $ which easy-install

And you will see an output empty string or your globally installed
easy-install instead of the one from the virtualenv.

The problem is that distribute installs in /tmp/testenv/local/bin instead
of /tmp/testenv/bin and PATH after activate gets /tmp/testenv/bin appended.

So virtualenvs would do not work without a symlink to/from <VENV>/local/bin

I opened a bug on python bts [0] but it seems to be relative to the debian
configuration. I tried to reproduce it with upstream tarball and default
configuration (./configure, make, make install) and does not happen with it
(it correctly installs in /tmp/testenv/bin)

I also have a hackish workaround here [1] which I hope to trash soon.




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