Package: libzbar0
Version: 0.10+doc-7+b2

        As it was pointed out [1] by Ben Morrow in a recent
        news:comp.lang.perl.misc thread, libzbar0 appears to assume
        ISO-8859-1 encoding for the input QR-encoded 8-bit data, and
        attempts to unconditionally recode it into UTF-8, thus giving
        (possibly) incorrect results.

        The issue arises with both the zbarimg(1) command-line tool
        (which disregards the locale currently in effect), and the
        Perl's Barcode::ZBar interface (suggesting that the resulting
        UTF-8-coded string is not being properly passed back to the
        calling Perl code.)

        As was suggested, I've used the “level L” Imager::QRCode option
        and a test vector of 17 ‘\xFF’ octets.  As expected, the
        resulting QR code was 21 by 21 dots, thus ruling out the
        possibility of ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 expansion happening within
        the generating Imager::QRCode module.

        Consider, e. g. (the code is MIME'd):

$ LC_ALL=C perl -- z97wbjf3xptrg36ymsrczz5ggy.perl 
Blob:     pack("H*","ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")
Image:    42 by 42
[["QR-Code", ("\xC3\xBF" x 17)]]

        Where \xC3\xBF's are ISO-8859-1 \xFF's recoded into UTF-8:

$ printf \\xc3\\xbf \
      | iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 \
      | od -t x1 
0000000 ff


FSF associate member #7257
### z97wbjf3xptrg36ymsrczz5ggy.perl  -*- Perl -*-
## A simplistic Imager::QRCode vs. Barcode::ZBar test.

### Ivan Shmakov, 2013

## To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
## copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
## public domain worldwide.  This software is distributed without any
## warranty.

## You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
## along with this software.  If not, see
## <>.

### Code:

use common::sense;

require Barcode::ZBar;
require Data::Dump;
require Imager::QRCode;

my $qr
    = Imager::QRCode->new (qw (mode 8-bit  casesensitive 1),
                           qw (level L  margin 0  size 2));
my $blob
    = pack ("H*", ("FF" x 17));
print ("Blob:     ", Data::Dump::dump ($blob), "\n");
my $img
    = $qr->plot ($blob);
print ("Image:    ", $img->getwidth (),
       " by ", $img->getheight (), "\n");

my $jpeg
    = undef;
$img->write ("data" => \$jpeg, "type" => "jpeg")
    or die ();

my $bi
    = Barcode::ZBar::Image->new ();
$bi->set_format ("JPEG");
$bi->set_size ($img->getwidth (), $img->getheight ());
$bi->set_data ($jpeg);

my $reader
    = Barcode::ZBar::Processor->new();
my @xsym
    = map {
          ## .
          [ $_->get_type (), $_->get_data () ];
      } ($bi->get_symbols ());
print ("", Data::Dump::dump ([ @xsym ]), "\n");

### Emacs trailer
## Local variables:
## coding: us-ascii
## fill-column: 72
## indent-tabs-mode: nil
## ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
## End:
### z97wbjf3xptrg36ymsrczz5ggy.perl ends here

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