Control: tags -1 +patch

The upstream has said he's not going to make a release anytime soon, despite
4.5 years and over 1000 commits of unreleased work:

Thus, here's a patch.

The bill declaring Jesus as the King of Poland fails to specify whether
the addition is at the top or end of the list of kings.  What should the
historians do?
Description: fix reversed floorleft and floorright in FreeSans
 These two glyphs are inverted.
 Already fixed in upstream SVN but we won't see a release anytime soon.

--- fonts-freefont-20120503.orig/sfd/FreeSans.sfd
+++ fonts-freefont-20120503/sfd/FreeSans.sfd
@@ -49643,7 +49643,7 @@ Validated: 3073
 StartChar: floorleft
-Encoding: 8970 8970 2380
+Encoding: 8971 8971 2380
 Width: 456
 Flags: HMW
 LayerCount: 2
@@ -49689,7 +49689,7 @@ Validated: 3073
 StartChar: floorright
-Encoding: 8971 8971 2383
+Encoding: 8970 8970 2383
 Width: 455
 Flags: HMW
 LayerCount: 2

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