severity 72188 minor
retitle 72188 problem with CSS (margin-left indication is ignored)

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 19:15:56 +0200, Francesco Potorti` wrote:
> This source illustrates two problems: ghostscript barfs while generating
> DSC,  and the  H5 style  indicated  in the  CSS style  sheet is ignored
> (precisely, the margin-left indication is ignored).
> The first problem can be reproduced with this command line:
>  html2ps --debug --rcfile ../css/agenda --titlepage --toc bh -o 
> agenda98.html

html2ps doesn't lead to ghostscript barfing anymore, at least
according to my tests.

> while  the second one can be reproduced by running the same without the
> --toc option (which makes html2ps generate a postscript file).

Yet this problem seems to persist, I'll forward this upstream.

All in all, as this bugreport is partially fixed, I'll downgrade the
severity to minor.


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