Package: scilab

It would be nice if all options were documented in scilab man page
[*]. It can be automated using help2man.


$ scilab -h
scilab <arguments>

      Possible arguments are:
      -display Display: for use under Xwindow systems to set a
specific X server display.
      -d Display      : equivalent to -display Display.
      -e Instruction  : execute the scilab instruction given in
Instruction argument.
                        -e and -f arguments are mutually exclusive.
      -f File         : execute the scilab script given in File argument.
                        -e and -f arguments are mutually exclusive.
      -l Lang         : set the current language. Lang can be equal to fr or en.
      -mem N          : set the initial stacksize, for use with -ns argument.
      -nb             : do not display the Scilab banner at starting time.
      -ns             : do not execute scilab.start startup file. This
argument will disable many features in Scilab (Only use if you know
what you are doing).
      -nouserstartup  : do not execute the user startup files
SCIHOME/.scilab or SCIHOME/scilab.ini.
      -nw             : start Scilab without dedicated Scilab Window.
      -nwni           : start Scilab without the GUI, graphic and help
features (batch mode). This argument disables the need of Java.
      -nogui          : See -nwni
      -args           : accept all extra arguments and make them
available through sciargs
      -version        : print product version and exit.
      -h/--help       : display help about this command.
      --texmacs       : reserved for TeXMacs.

Developer arguments:
      -debug          : Start Scilab under gdb (Unix/linux only).
                        define the variable SCILAB_GDB_OPT to add
custom arguments to gdb.
      -debug-kdbg     : Start Scilab under kdbg (Unix/linux only).
      -profiling      : Start Scilab under valgrind (Unix/linux only).
                        define the variable SCILAB_VALGRIND_OPT to add
custom arguments to
                        valgrind (and override the existing valgrind arguments).
      -profiling-visu : Start Scilab under callgrind (Unix/linux only).
                        define the variable SCILAB_VALGRIND_OPT to add
custom arguments to
                        callgrind (and override the existing callgrind
      -electric-fence : Start Scilab with the Electric Fence (Unix/linux only).

      All these arguments can be retrieved by the Scilab function sciargs.

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