On Sun 2018-05-27 14:12:25 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>> Run the unit tests in package. I think that almost everything covered by
>> tests, except for the ASM.
> thanks, i'll make sure to run both "check" and "unit".  I note that i
> can't run the "eslint" part of the test suite on the debian build
> daemons, since eslint also hasn't been packaged yet for debian:
>     https://bugs.debian.org/743404

hm, it appears that the most interesting unit tests themselves can only
be run with eslint, which makes it difficult to properly test enigmail
as intended without npm or node.js.

npm2deb depends eslint shows me a rather large list of gaps in the
node/debian intersection (see below), so i can't even get the test suite
to run at build time on the debian infrastructure.

this makes me pretty sad :(


NPM                                               Debian
eslint (4.19.1)                                   None
├─ ajv (^5.3.0)                                   node-ajv (5.0.0-1)
├─ babel-code-frame (^6.22.0)                     node-babel (6.26.0+dfsg-3)
├─ chalk (^2.1.0)                                 node-chalk (2.3.0-1)
├─ concat-stream (^1.6.0)                         node-concat-stream (1.6.2-1)
├─ cross-spawn (^5.1.0)                           node-cross-spawn (5.1.0-1)
├─ debug (^3.1.0)                                 node-debug (3.1.0-2)
├─ doctrine (^2.1.0)                              node-doctrine (2.1.0-1)
├─ eslint-scope (^3.7.1)                          None
├─ eslint-visitor-keys (^1.0.0)                   None
├─ espree (^3.5.4)                                node-espree (3.5.1+ds-1)
├─ esquery (^1.0.0)                               None
├─ esutils (^2.0.2)                               node-esutils (2.0.2-1)
├─ file-entry-cache (^2.0.0)                      None
├─ functional-red-black-tree (^1.0.1)             None
├─ glob (^7.1.2)                                  node-glob (7.1.2-6)
├─ globals (^11.0.1)                              node-globals (11.1.0-1)
├─ ignore (^3.3.3)                                None
├─ imurmurhash (^0.1.4)                           node-imurmurhash (0.1.4-1)
├─ inquirer (^3.0.6)                              node-inquirer (3.3.0-2)
├─ is-resolvable (^1.0.0)                         None
├─ js-yaml (^3.9.1)                               node-js-yaml (3.11.0+dfsg-1)
├─ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify (^1.0.1) None
├─ levn (^0.3.0)                                  node-levn (0.3.0+dfsg-1)
├─ lodash (^4.17.4)                               node-lodash (4.17.4+dfsg-1)
├─ minimatch (^3.0.2)                             node-minimatch (3.0.4-3)
├─ mkdirp (^0.5.1)                                node-mkdirp (0.5.1-1)
├─ natural-compare (^1.4.0)                       None
├─ optionator (^0.8.2)                            node-optionator (0.8.2+dfsg-1)
├─ path-is-inside (^1.0.2)                        node-path-is-inside (1.0.2-1)
├─ pluralize (^7.0.0)                             None
├─ progress (^2.0.0)                              node-progress (1.1.8-1)
├─ regexpp (^1.0.1)                               None
├─ require-uncached (^1.0.3)                      None
├─ semver (^5.3.0)                                node-semver (5.3.0-1)
├─ strip-ansi (^4.0.0)                            node-strip-ansi (4.0.0-1)
├─ strip-json-comments (~2.0.1)                   node-strip-json-comments 
├─ table (4.0.2)                                  None
└─ text-table (~0.2.0)                            node-text-table (0.2.0-2)

Build dependencies:
NPM                                               Debian
babel-polyfill (^6.23.0)                          node-babel (6.26.0+dfsg-3)
babel-preset-es2015 (^6.24.1)                     node-babel (6.26.0+dfsg-3)
babelify (^7.3.0)                                 None
beefy (^2.1.8)                                    None
brfs (1.4.3)                                      node-brfs (1.4.4-1)
browserify (^14.4.0)                              None
chai (^4.0.1)                                     node-chai (4.1.2+dfsg-1)
cheerio (^0.22.0)                                 None
coveralls (^2.13.1)                               node-coveralls (3.0.1-1)
dateformat (^2.0.0)                               node-dateformat (2.0.0-1)
ejs (^2.5.6)                                      ejs.js (1.0.0+dfsg1-1)
eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin (^1.2.0)              None
eslint-plugin-node (^5.1.0)                       None
eslint-plugin-rulesdir (^0.1.0)                   None
eslint-release (^0.10.1)                          None
eslint-rule-composer (^0.1.0)                     None
eslump (1.6.0)                                    None
esprima (^4.0.0)                                  node-esprima (4.0.0+ds-2)
esprima-fb (^15001.1001.0-dev-harmony-fb)         node-esprima-fb 
istanbul (^0.4.5)                                 None
jsdoc (^3.4.3)                                    None
karma (^1.7.0)                                    None
karma-babel-preprocessor (^6.0.1)                 None
karma-mocha (^1.3.0)                              None
karma-mocha-reporter (^2.2.3)                     None
karma-phantomjs-launcher (^1.0.4)                 None
leche (^2.1.2)                                    None
load-perf (^0.2.0)                                None
markdownlint (^0.6.1)                             None
mocha (^3.4.2)                                    node-mocha (4.1.0+ds1-2)
mock-fs (^4.3.0)                                  None
npm-license (^0.3.3)                              None
phantomjs-prebuilt (^2.1.14)                      None
proxyquire (^1.8.0)                               None
shelljs (^0.7.7)                                  node-shelljs (0.7.5-1)
sinon (^3.2.1)                                    node-sinon (1.17.6-1)
temp (^0.8.3)                                     node-temp (0.8.3-1)
through (^2.3.8)                                  node-through2 (2.0.3-1)

Warnings occured:
 [warning] through: through2 is better maintained, see node-jsonstream for a 

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