Package: wnpp
Severity: Wishlist

Following #742222, another D bindings package follows, dlang-ope
nssl (actually this should be uploaded first, as dlang-libevent depends
on dlang-openssl). This upload should enable both packages to be
uploaded to the archive.

Resulting package name: dlang-openssl (following golang binding

Copyright: 2011-2013 Sönke Ludwig
License: OpenSSL/SSLeay
 The OpenSSL toolkit is under a dual license, i.e. both the conditions
 of the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay license apply to the
 toolkit. See the OpenSSL distribution for details. These interface
 files are a derived work and do not impose any additional restrictions.

It's a source-only arch:all package that can be used from either gdc or
ldc (which I already maintain now) as it's installed
in /usr/include/d/common. This follows behaviour in other distros like
Arch which also support multiple D compilers but include
compiler-agnostic sources in /usr/include/dlang/common. 

Konstantinos Margaritis

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