Dear maintainer,
I would like to share a patch that I wrote today, which, applied together
with other Debian nget patches, allows nget to be built with gcc-4.9.x.
To explain things a little, the problem was due to the overloaded template
function new_comparison expecting either 'RetType (ClassType::*member)' or
'RetType (ClassType::*memberf)(void)' as the first argument, while it
actually received 'RetType (ClassType::*memberf)(void) const' (e.g, in line
200). Probably (just a guess), earlier gcc versions accepted implicit
conversion in such cases (or somehow treated these types as one), but gcc
4.9.x clearly does not.

Best regards,
Alex Potapenko

Attachment: nget-0.27.1-gcc49.patch
Description: Binary data

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