Nutrition Update: New product just released

 Product Name: >Hoodia<

 What it does:

 - Suppress your appetite and feel full and satisfied all day long
 - Boost your energy levels
 - Lose excess (w)-(e)-(i)-(g)-(h)-(t)
 - Boost your metabolism
 - Burn body (f)-(a)-(t)
 - Burn calories
 - Attack obesity

 This product was just featured on 60 Minutes, and the BBC New report on Sept 
12th, 2005

 Further Information:

 Nagin said he still needed to confirm a report that the floodwaters will be 
gone much sooner than first thought, but progress was being made.The situation 
was gradually changing, he said.Mayors slam FEMA responseAlmost two weeks after 
Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, some of the cities hardest hit by the storm are 
waiting for more help. "Walter," Mayfield said, "get ready."One goal, he said, 
was to better coordinate moving people to temporary shelters once they are 
evacuated and their immediate needs met. “It’s basically a timing thing,” Wagi 
said.'Ring of Fire'"We all stand together to help each other and to help those 
who need our help in the future," Giuliani said. "We remember forever all the 
brothers and sisters that we lost on that day."Little overall movement was 
expected before Monday morning, the hurricane center said.Honore said his 
troops will continue to assist New Orleans residents who refuse to leave their 
homes despite a mandatory evacuation order.Those observances came as the 
co-chairmen of the 9/11 commission told CNN that the government's response to 
Katrina showed little was learned from 9/11 about how to handle disasters. In 
Louisiana, New York firefighters and police officers helping victims of Katrina 
held their own 9/11 services. (Full story)And in southwestern Pennsylvania, 
about 1,000 people attended a memorial service in the field where Flight 93 
crashed after it was hijacked by terrorists.And in southwestern Pennsylvania, 
about 1,000 people attended a memorial service in the field where Flight 93 
crashed after it was hijacked by terrorists."Right now, we want to make sure 
that we're taking care of the people that are alive, and that we are treating 
them with dignity and respect."And in southwestern Pennsylvania, about 1,000 
people attended a memorial service in the field where Flight 93 crashed after 
it was hijacked by terrorists.“If it was a Category Four barreling down here, I 
would get out if I had a chance,” Lee said. “The structures just can’t take 
that kind of wind. We’re cautiously watching (Ophelia). We’re not giving up 
until it’s north of us.”

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