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Meanwhile we switched from Qt4 -> Qt5 that has a lot of splitting, owncloud-
cmd do not depend anymore from QtGui so it should not pull X11 libs anymore.
Can you confirm, that this bug can be closed?


> Trying to install owncloud-client-cmd is pulling in ~232MB of X11
> libraries, things this VM will never use like DRI, audio, etc. However,
> like you say, it is built on Qt and such dependencies are required until
> the application is re-factored. in the meantime, I'll look into pyOwnCloud (
> or just mounting the space via
> WebDav and using rsync.
> If you can pass the request to remove the X11 dependencies upstream, it
> would be helpful to have a headless server not needing Qt or X11.
> Thanks,
> Robert LeBlanc

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