On 16 February 2016 at 11:13, Tianon Gravi <tia...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 11 February 2016 at 17:50, Michael Hudson-Doyle
> <michael.hud...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> It's the standard library packages, GOARCH=arm go install runtime is
>> going to try to create $GOROOT/pkg/linux_arm/runtime.a.
> This still seems odd to me, especially since doing "GOARCH=arm go
> build -v my/own/package" clearly does build "runtime" for arm (since
> it doesn't exist already), but I suppose it doesn't save it anywhere?
> I would still expect that to go to GOPATH/pkg/linux_arm/... but am not
> necessarily surprised that it doesn't. :(

Totally random thought, but could multiarch help here? Something like
changing packaging so golang-go includes tools and a new golang-stdlib
package contains what's now in /usr/lib/go/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH, and then
you install golang-stdlib:armhf to get the GOARCH=arm stuff installed.
(Not sure how you'd do non-linux GOOS in this model though).

Otherwise, I'd be happy to ask golang-dev what they think about the
general problem.


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