
I'm also interested... mostly for the single html-css-sanitizer-minified.js file, as I need it to package the Jupyter notebook!

I also don't have any java experience, but I still had a look ; there are many third party dependencies, and I think it's worth looking at them first (the following are in src dir's third-party/ directory) : - ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar -- Debian has libmaven-ant-tasks-java (but what about the third-party/ant/java/etc directory ?
- java/apache_ant/ant-junit.jar -- Debian has junit, does it correspond?
- java/appengine/ -- nothing about it in Debian ;
- java/closure -- Debian has libclosure-compiler-java ;
- java/emma -- Debian has libemma-java ;
- java/guava -- Debian has libguava-java ;
- java/gwt -- nothing about it in Debian ;
- java/htmlparser -- Debian has libhtmlparser-java ;
- java/jaf -- Debian has libgnujaf-java, which might correspond ;
- java/jakarta_commons -- Debian has libcommons-httpclient-java, which might correspond ; - java/javamail -- Debian has both libmail-java and libgnumail-java so hopefully one of them covers what we need ; - java/jchardet -- Debian has libjuniversalchardet-java which might correspond ;
- java/jetty -- Debian has libjetty-java ;
- java/jsdk2.1 -- Debian has libservlet2.5-java... does it correspond?
- java/jsonml -- nothing looks really like it in Debian ;
- java/json_simple -- Debian has libjson-simple-java ;
- java/jsr305 -- Debian has libjsr305-java ;
- java/junit -- Debian has junit (what's the difference with java/apache_ant's ?) ;
- java/rhino -- Debian has librhino-java (and rhino) ;
- java/webdriver -- nothing looks like it in Debian ;
- java/xerces -- might be for OSX (see treeview's debian/README.source) ;
- js/codemirror -- Debian has libjs-codemirror ;
- js/es5conform -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/excanvas -- Debian has libjs-excanvas ;
- js/firebug -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/jqueryjs -- Debian has libjs-jquery ;
- js/jsfunfuzz -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/json_sans_eval -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/jsunit -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/narwhal -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/prettify -- Debian has libjs-prettify ;
- js/proxies -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/sunspider-benchmark -- nothing in Debian ;
- js/swfobject -- Debian has libjs-swfobject ;
- js/v8-benchmark -- nothing in Debian ;
- precajole/ -- I don't get exactly what it does but it contains different versions of jquery and jquery-ui which Debian has...

From all of this, if parts of them are for benchmark and testing, then we might get away without them. I know how to package JavaScript, so I can help more easily with the js/* things.

Snark on #debian-js

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