
I took a look.

There is no problem with iptables rules added by psad.

When psad blocks an IP, it adds a new chain PSAD_BLOCK_INPUT at the top
of your firewall rules.

Chain PSAD_BLOCK_INPUT (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
DROP       all  --  franck.home          anywhere

This one means all packets coming from franck.home are dropped but other
packets continue their way through the INPUT chain until they reach a
target rule. If there is no match, then it matches the default policy on
INPUT chain which is most of the time DROP.

The firewall on my laptop blacklisted workstation #1 and there is no way
to access my ssh server on my laptop from workstation #1. However from
workstation #2, not blacklisted, I can access the ssh server available
on my laptop.

If you are fine with the explanation I will close this bug report.




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