This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for open-iscsi.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Thursday, September 24, 2015 to this bug 
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.


Template: open-iscsi/remove_even_with_active_sessions
Type: boolean
_Description: Proceed with removing open-iscsi?
 There are currently active iSCSI sessions. If you remove open-iscsi
 now this may lead to data loss and/or hang the system at shutdown.
 Do not do this if this system's root filesystem is on iSCSI.
 If you do proceed, open-iscsi will try to unmount all filesystems on
 iSCSI and log out from current sessions. If that fails (because a
 filesystem is still in use), the kernel will keep the current
 iSCSI sessions open, but will not perform any recovery if there is an
 interruption of the network connection (or if the target is rebooted).
 If you really intend to remove open-iscsi, you should abort here and
 then stop open-iscsi:
   service open-iscsi stop
 If that did not clean up everything, manually umount all filesystems
 that are on iSCSI, manually dismantle the storage stack, and only then
 log out from all iSCSI sessions:
   iscsiadm -m node --logoutall=all
 At that point, it should be safe to remove this package.

Template: open-iscsi/upgrade_even_with_failed_sessions
Type: boolean
_Description: Proceed with upgrading open-iscsi?
 There are currently failed iSCSI sessions. Upgrading open-iscsi may
 cause data loss.
 If you do not proceed, the preinstallation script will be aborted and
 you will have the option to manually recover the iSCSI sessions. (Note
 that aborting an upgrade is problematic if you are dist-upgrading your
 entire system.) You may also recover the iSCSI sessions manually while
 keeping this prompt open and then choose to proceed. Or you may choose
 to proceed directly, after which iscsid will be restarted and session
 recovery will be attempted once more.

Template: open-iscsi/upgrade_recovery_error
Type: error
_Description: iSCSI recovery error on upgrade
 The iscsid daemon was restarted, but couldn't recover all iSCSI sessions.
 This is bad and could lead to data loss. Please check the system and kernel
 logs to determine the cause of the issue.
 Please do not acknowledge this note until you have fixed the problem
 from a separate login shell.

Template: open-iscsi/downgrade_and_break_system
Type: boolean
_Description: Proceed with downgrading open-iscsi?
 You are trying to downgrade open-iscsi. Because of changes between the
 version you are downgrading to and the version currently installed,
 this downgrade will break the system.
 If you really intend to downgrade, please follow the following procedure
 instead: umount all iSCSI file systems, log out of all iSCSI sessions,
 back up /etc/iscsi, purge open-iscsi, and reinstall the older version.
Source: open-iscsi
Section: net
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian iSCSI Maintainers 
Uploaders: Ritesh Raj Sarraf <>, Christian Seiler 
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), bzip2, bison, flex, autotools-dev, 
dh-autoreconf, dh-exec, dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~), po-debconf, dh-systemd
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Vcs-Git: git://

Package: open-iscsi
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, udev
Pre-Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0
Description: iSCSI initiator tools
 Open-iSCSI is a high-performance, transport independent, multi-platform
 implementation of the RFC3720 Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
 Open-iSCSI is partitioned into user and kernel parts, where the kernel
 portion implements the iSCSI data path (i.e. iSCSI Read and iSCSI Write).
 The userspace contains the entire control plane:
  * Configuration Manager;
  * iSCSI Discovery;
  * Login and Logout processing;
  * Connection level error processing;
  * Nop-In and Nop-Out handling;
  * (in the future) Text processing, iSNS, SLP, Radius, etc.
 This package includes a daemon, iscsid, and a management utility,

Package: open-iscsi-udeb
# Note: the (virtual) udeb package scsi-modules (provided by different
#       linux kernel udebs) must exist for these architectures - so
#       check that before adding them to this list; the other
#       scsi-(core|common|...)-modules are NOT sufficient!
Architecture: amd64 arm64 i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390x ppc64el ppc64 
Section: debian-installer
Package-Type: udeb
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, scsi-modules, libnss-files-udeb
Description: Configure iSCSI
 Open-iSCSI is a high-performance, transport independent, multi-platform
 implementation of the RFC3720 Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
 This is the minimal package (udeb) used by debian-installer.

#Package: linux-iscsi-modules-source
#Architecture: all
#Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, module-assistant, debhelper (>= 
4.0.0), bzip2
#Description: Source Code for the Linux iSCSI Kernel Modules
# Along with make-kpkg, this package maybe used to build a linux-iscsi-modules 
# package for a kernel-image package.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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