Seems reasonable to post this message also here.. :D

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: informing you as my sponsor about what I do (especially emails)
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:27:43 +0100
From: toogley <>


i know that you receive a note, e.g. when i close a bug. But I'm still
feeling a bit unsure because you may overlook sometimes sth i did - and
when i did sth wrong (e.g. in responding to a bug) you only can correct
my mistake afterwards. This wouldn't be an efficient workflow and it
doesn't look trustworthy for external persons. Well essentially, i
didn't inform you about .

==> So basically, my question is how i should inform you as my sponsor
about what i do. I thought about just CC'ing in every mail i'd sent, but
that doesn't solve the correcting-my-mistakes-problem, I described above.

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