Debian 8.1   64bit AMD Install   13 Disc Set from OSDisc.com
Manufactured 14 Sep 2015

Dave Crosby   info <at> seascalecontrols.com
Washington State, USA  (too close to Remond!)

HP desktop - 2011 vintage (or so) AMD 64 dual core

Loading new Distro from scratch from discs fails.

The Problem: 
New distro stops unpacking/loading software about 7/8 of the way through
(before loading bootloader).  Unrecoverable error during loading.  I
investigated by reading installation syslog using the installation
shell. Syslog reveals the dependency problem stated in bug 803235.  This
bug causes more than  "makes most automatic stable update schemes
fail....." ; It renders new installation of 8.1 (and presumably 8.2)
from standard 64 bit disc sets impossible.  The halted, but partially
installed system isn't yet capable of doing an apt-get for the missing
dependency like the bug report's 'systems admins' are.  This seems to
render the ($33) disk set worthless.

I've ordered an 8.0 set which hopefully will be early enough to not have
the dependency problem. 

Dave Crosby


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