tag 806352 + help

The removal of request.REQUEST in django1.9 completely breaks
django-openid-auth. Trivial fixes to use GET or POST are insufficient
to fix the tests or the operation of the module.

The furthest I've got so far is replacing 
redirect_to = request.REQUEST.get(redirect_field_name, '')


redirect_to = request.POST[redirect_field_name] if redirect_field_name
in request.POST else ''

However, this causes breakage elsewhere:
Response didn't redirect as expected: Response code was 403 (expected

Please don't upload django1.9 whilst this bug is still around, it will
completely disable OpenID authentication for any django app.

This package has not had any actual fixes since django1.4, it's been
limping along with compat patch after compat patch. django1.9 reveals
yet more breakage is going to happen with django1.10. The package will
likely not sustain that many compat patches.

Without help to fix this package *upstream* (or by creating a new
upstream), Django OpenID will simply become unusable.


Neil Williams

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