Package: sssd
Version: 1.11.7-3

Discovered issue with NSS group resolution. With clean sssd cache the
other group id's are not recognized.
Once ran getent group <ldap-group>, and relogin to the system, the
groups are shown/available.
There are some bug reports which should be resolved already.

This is how it looks like:
user1.ipa@server:~$ id
uid=73800020(user1.ipa) gid=73800020(user1.ipa) groups=73800020(user1.ipa)
user1.ipa@server:~$ getent group group.ipa
user1.ipa@server:~$ logout
Connection to x.y.z.10 closed.
user1.ipa@jump:~$ ssh server
user1.ipa@server's password:

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Last login: Fri Nov 27 15:33:31 2015 from jump
user1.ipa@server:~$ id
uid=73800020(user1.ipa) gid=73800020(user1.ipa)

Peter Viskup

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