Package: Jessie
Version: 8.2.0

DVD iso (set of 3)
Failed to install

I know that I was to capture the screen shots and full error text, but as
you will read ...

Yesterday I was upgrading a laptop (Acer 3500).  I had downloaded the
Jessie 8.2.0 i386 3 DVD set and created the DVDs. My hopes was to be able
to install Jessie from the DVDs only, without the use of connecting to the

I proceeded to install the Jessie onto that laptop.  Everything during the
installation process went OK. Except ... when it came to install the
"grub". To which it coughed an error and would not complete the process.
The error message advised doing a manual install of grub, or use the
on-screen menu selection of using "lilo".  I switched tothe lilo selection,
only to have that fail with the same error message.

I worked down the "installation process" menu on the left screen to the
"execute a shell". I  opened the shell and explored the CDROM. I found the
grub package and ran the "grub-installer" script. That created some more
errors. I tried to manually install lilo, to which created it's set of
errors. I tried to copy the two packages to the hard drive which did not
work either.

Basically speaking I was forced to abort the process!

After the time spent downloading, burning DVDs, going through the
installation process, only to fail on the last step. I WAS NOT a happy
Debian user!!!

So ... I underwent the whole process over again but using the single CD
i386 iso. After reconfiguring my wired network to accommodate the Acer 3500
laptop, I started the installation process again.  This installation
completed with an installed Jessie, and seems to be running OK. (At 0100
hours this morning, after about 8 hours of work!)

Obviously there is a problem with the 3 DVD i386 iso.  In reality, there
were two installation attempts using this iso package (I only explained the
second attempt).

It is rare that I spend the time documenting bugs on a "free" item. But I
have been using Debian sense release 3.2. And during my release 4.4 days I
completely divorced myself microcrap (king of virus). My life is wrapped
around Debian. It is install on several computers. I believe in open source
and open platforms. I promote Linux.  I occasionally do training classes on
Linux.  Therefore installation crashes hurts!

Thanks for your time and great amount of effort on your behalf.  What a
great "industry".  And the continual growth of the Linux world is just


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