Here is a patch for a -N/--use-ifname option that will switch from
IF-MIB::ifDescr to IF-MIB::ifName when looking up the interface's name.

This would enable users of nagios-snmp-plugins to tune whether they want to
match interfaces based on the description, or on the name.
ラピー ステファン Lapie Stephane
株式会社朝日ネット システム第1部
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座4-12-15 歌舞伎座タワー21F
TEL : 03-3541-9590(代表) 03-3541-9591(直通) FAX : 03-3541-5633
--- /tmp/	2016-01-27 11:24:26.144765849 +0900
+++ /tmp/	2016-01-27 11:47:40.904312037 +0900
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 my $inter_table= '.';
 my $index_table = '';
 my $descr_table = '';
+my $name_table = '';
 my $oper_table = '';
 my $admin_table = '';
 my $speed_table = '';
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
 my $o_meg=		undef; # output in MBytes or Mbits (-M)
 my $o_gig=		undef; # output in GBytes or Gbits (-G)
 my $o_prct=		undef; # output in % of max speed  (-u)
+my $o_use_ifname=	undef;  # use IF-MIB::ifName instead of IF-MIB::ifDescr
 my $o_timeout=  undef; 		# Timeout (Default 5)
 # SNMP Message size parameter (Makina Corpus contrib)
@@ -190,6 +192,8 @@
    Test it before, because there are known bugs (ex : trailling /)
 -r, --noregexp
    Do not use regexp to match NAME in description OID
+-N, --use-ifname
+   Use IF-MIB::ifName as source for NIC name instead of IF-MIB::ifDescr
 -i, --inverse
    Make critical when up
 -a, --admin
@@ -257,6 +261,7 @@
         'H:s'   => \$o_host,		'hostname:s'	=> \$o_host,
         'p:i'   => \$o_port,   		'port:i'	=> \$o_port,
 	'n:s'   => \$o_descr,           'name:s'        => \$o_descr,
+	'N'	=> \$o_use_ifname,	'use-ifname'	=> \$o_use_ifname,
         'C:s'   => \$o_community,	'community:s'	=> \$o_community,
 		'2'	=> \$o_version2,	'v2c'		=> \$o_version2,		
 	'l:s'	=> \$o_login,		'login:s'	=> \$o_login,
@@ -446,9 +451,13 @@
 	verb(" new max octets:: $oct_test");
-# Get desctiption table
+# Get description table
+my $query_table = $descr_table;
+if (defined($o_use_ifname)) {
+	$query_table = $name_table;
 my $resultat = $session->get_table( 
-	Baseoid => $descr_table 
+	Baseoid => $query_table
 if (!defined($resultat)) {

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