Package: libfile-fcntllock-perl
Version: 0.22-3
Severity: normal

Control: block -1 by 827074

#827074 discusses a proposed File::Fcntllock::Any module which uses the
XS implementation if available, otherwise falls back to the pureperl
version. This bug is to implement the required packaging split.

Quoting Niko from #677865:

> For full disclosure, if we had the fallback we could setup the
> modules something like this:
>  /usr/share/perl5/File/
>     on normal arch-independent @INC; tries ::XS first and
>     falls back to ::Pure from a special directory
>  /usr/lib/<triplet>/libfile-fcntllock-perl/File/FcntllLock/
>     in a special directory that only File::FcntlLock knows
>     possibly with an additional symlink on the normal @INC too
>  /usr/lib/<triplet>/<version>/File/FcntlLock/ (and .so)
>     on normal arch-dependent @INC
> The "special directory" part would be a Debian-specific deviation
> that wouldn't need any upstream support.
> This way we could honestly have the package just Recommend
> perlapi-*, and have it still work (even if in a degraded state)
> when there's version skew between Perl and the XS parts.

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