Package: amavisd-new
Version:  1:2.10.1-4

I was processing a bug we got reported to Ubuntu and I think it qualifies
to be fixed in Debian as well.

Quoting from our bug report:
"Amavis incorrectly assumes that /usr/bin/nvcc is the "Norman virus
control" executable, and attempts to use it to virus check incoming emails.

In systems with the NVIDIA CUDA compiler installed, the nvcc executable is
actually the CUDA compiler, and so exits with a non-zero (exit) state every
time amavis attempts to execute it on email traffic.

This behavior results in all email traffic being marked (and quarantined)
by amavis as containing a virus whenever NVIDIA CUDA is installed on the
same system as amavisd-new.

The increasing use of gpu acceleration for speeding up and multithreading
particular server processing tasks means that in the future more servers
may experience this problem as they have NVIDIA CUDA installed on them."

IMHO In such cases usually the in-archive packaged solution (should) wins.
For now I just disabled the Norman Virus Control as it was suggested.
I'd ask you to pick up the change as in
That is a diff, matching latest Debian and you'd only have to change to the
Debian bug #.

Of course all of this is open for discussion if you'd prefer to fix

Christian Ehrhardt
Software Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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