On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 02:51:24PM +0300, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> 2016-09-29 14:15 GMT+03:00 Ben Hutchings <b...@decadent.org.uk>:
> > On Wed, 2016-09-28 at 16:20 +0300, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > [...]
> >> The thing is, right now, the user has two choices:
> >>
> >> 1) Trust d-i to make the right choices once, even though more RAM is
> >> likely to be added later on, at which point there won't be enough swap
> >> to save the suspend image;
> >
> > Why do you think it's likely?  Hibernation is mostly used on laptops
> > and I don't believe they often get RAM upgrades; in fact increasingly
> > they don't have even have sockets for RAM upgrades.
> Because it's what everyone I know does: as soon as the price for the
> type of RAM their computer needs drops, they max it out.
> As for hibernate, it in fact is used a lot on office desktops as well.
> It was the preferred way of leaving the office at my two previous
> workplaces.
> > How many 'lay users' that would be overwhelmed by the partitioner
> > nevertheless understand how to upgrade RAM, what swap space is, and why
> > they might need more than the default?  I think that's a very small
> > group indeed.
> Pretty much everyone I know knows how to download the upgrade
> instructions from the manufacturer's website, remove a couple of
> screws and insert a memory module.  By comparison, very few people I
> know understand the intricacies of LVM partitioning.

Dear M. Racine and DDs,

This seems like an opportunity for a useful HOWTO, or page in the
Debian wiki, or a new section in wiki.debian.org/Partition.

Page title or section heading of "I've upgraded my RAM and my
swap partition/LV is no longer big enough to hibernate".

1. Notice to refresh one's backups before attempting this.
  * For lay users, this might require additions to the
    "BackupAndRecovery" wiki page.
  * Needs consensus on the type of backup.  I imagine a bare-metal
    backup/restore from a live cd would be easiest for lay users...
2. Officially recognised boot/rescue cd
  * for lay users, it must contain system-config-lvm and gparted
      - Is GNOME Disks sufficient?
  * Is everything needed for this already on the gnome live disk?
3. Try system-config-lvm first; if it can't find any LVM-managed
disks, then close it and use gparted or GNOME Disks.
4. Resize a partition or LV.
5. Delete swap partition or LV.
6. Create new swap partition or LV.
  * Does LVM swap need to be contiguous for hibernate?
  * What is the official minimum size of swap file for hibernation?
      - I've always used something like:
  echo "`free -m | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}'` * 1.15" | bc -l
7. There would also need to be a section on reinitialising encrypted
   swap.  Consideration of this is why I went with the delete, resize
   create method rather than attempting to resize, because I'm not
   sure if resizing encrypted swap is supported...and I have no
   experience with encrypting disks/partitions/LVs.

If the format is for lay users, using a GUI, then including
screenshots would make sense?  Where can I upload images to for use in
the Debian wiki?  I'd be happy to work on this documentation if no one
else wants to.  Please comment on the proposed document structure and
the issues I've raised in the sub-points.  Also, if someone with
experience with LUKS would like to write this documentation (or the
LUKS section), please let me know! :-)


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