On Wed, 15 Feb 2017 13:54:47 +0000
Peter Palfrader <wea...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Feb 2017, David Precious wrote:
> > > I notice you're not listed in Debian's list of mirrors.  Maybe
> > > this oversight should be corrected?  
> > 
> > That would be nice :)  Do I need to submit a listing somewhere, or
> > can you take care of that?  
> The usual approach is https://www.debian.org/mirror/submit but I guess
> we can get it sorted out right here.
> | Site: debian.mirrors.uk2.net
> | Type: leaf
> | Archive-architecture: amd64 armhf i386 ia64 s390x
> | Archive-http: /debian/
> | Maintainer: mirr...@uk2.net
> | Country: GB United Kingdom
> | Location: ???
> | Sponsor: UK-2 Ltd. https://www.uk2.net/
> Where are you located?

London, UK (both us and the mirrors server).

The rest of the info is right.
> Once I know, and the tracefile and alias thing below are done, I can
> add the mirror.

I've upgraded ftpsync to the current version, and set MIRRORNAME to
debian.mirrors.uk2.net; I've kicked off a sync now, so we can check all
works smoothly with the new version.

I've also set up an alias so that the archive is also presented at
http://debian.mirrors.uk2.net/debian/ as requested.

I'll look at the outcome when I get a moment, but please poke me if you
spot that anything looks wrong!


Dave P

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