Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package gnome-shell. It has been in unstable for 10 days
without relevant-looking bug reports.

The relevant hint: unblock gnome-shell/3.22.3-2

This version drops the dependency on telepathy-mission-control-5, and
removes Empathy from the default set of "favourite applications"
pinned to the dock for new users. Telepathy and Empathy are looking
increasingly unmaintained, and have ever-decreasing relevance now that
most major messaging platforms are proprietary "walled gardens" accessed
through a browser or mobile app.

In conjunction with mbiebl's recent meta-gnome3 upload, which is already
in testing, I believe this will drop Telepathy (except for some libraries)
and Empathy out of a default Debian GNOME desktop installation.

gnome-shell used to have support for putting Telepathy instant messaging
accounts online, which is why it has that dependency, but that was removed
some time ago in a redesign of the "system menu". It still watches for
Telepathy conversations and presents them as special-cased notifications,
but that feature is dormant unless you have a Telepathy client like
Empathy or Polari, in which case that client is responsible for depending
on telepathy-mission-control-5 and putting the accounts online.


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