Package: vagrant
Severity: minor

I've been a contributor to Debian since 2004, as can be shown with my
first upload of lessdisks:

Since then, my involvement in the Debian project has only increased.

Somewhere around 2010 (interestingly, the same year I gained Debian
Developer status), people started talking about software named
"vagrant", and I figured it was passing fashionable software of the

But it's clear that vagrant-the-software-project won't go away, and now
people are even suggesting to use vagrant (the software) in projects I
work on within Debian. This has lead to a number of very confusing
conversations about which vagrant is being referenced. I was at one
point the primary active maintainer of qemu, also dealing with virtual
environments, which only added to the conflicting namespace.

While it would be nice to get this fixed upstream, at least consider
the courtesy of renaming the package in Debian. Something similar,
such as "vagabond" or "hobo" or "dementia", would at least save the
trouble of needing to clarify weather they are talking about the
software project or the person. If those names don't suffice, perhaps
the wikipedia disambiguation page would be helpful:

Waiting until after stretch release, while unfortunate, seems reasonable
given the freeze, hence the "minor" severity.

If you're amenable, I could do a search-and-replace on the package and
provide a patch, but I wanted to test the waters first.

Thanks for your consideration!

live well,

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