> Always succeeds on:
> Linux 3.16.0-4-arm64 armhf (aarch64)
> > 4.5.0

> Always fails on:
> Linux 4.8.0-0.bpo.2-arm64 arm64 (aarch64)
> Linux 4.9.0-0.bpo.2-arm64 arm64 (aarch64)
> Linux 4.9.0-2-arm64 arm64 (aarch64)

You're using ancient kernels.  There's 4.11 out, you know?
It always fails (on Pine64).

Alas, while the opposite case (broken on old kernels, ok on new) would be
acceptable, broken on new is not, especially that stretch uses 4.9, thus
making julia useless for the vast majority of users.

The splat is:
Thread 1 "julia" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000fffdb1b8a07c in julia_isfile_21394 () at stat.jl:107
107         @eval ($f)(path...)  = ($f)(stat(path...))
(gdb) list
102         :isexecutable
103         :uperm
104         :gperm
105         :operm
106     ]
107         @eval ($f)(path...)  = ($f)(stat(path...))
108     end
110     islink(path...) = islink(lstat(path...))

But you probably know that already; the only worthwhile data point from me
is that it fails on kernels newer than 4.9 too.

Don't be racist.  White, amber or black, all beers should be judged based
solely on their merits.  Heck, even if occasionally a cider applies for a
beer's job, why not?
On the other hand, corpo lager is not a race.

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