Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request an adopter for the mathematica-fonts package.

The package description is:
 This package downloads Mathematica fonts from
 and installs them, because the license prohibits their distribution.
 Please note that it may fail if the web site no longer offers them for

I'd like to divest myself from this ugly undistributable thing.  I adopted
the package two years ago to fix long-standing uninstallability, but it
turns out upgrading to the current version (Mathematica 11) requires more
effort than I'm willing to give to a package that's not my itch to scratch. 
It does work at the moment, but at any time Mathematica 10 fonts might be
pulled from the old download URL, making the downloader useless once again.

The package is nominally team-maintained by the Fonts Team, but the previous
time, it rotted uninstallable for best part of a year with no one taking
action (gee, guess why?) until I stepped in.

It might sound trivial "just insert the new URL", but I wasted hours trying
to find it on the redesigned site, and no one seems to know (no, I'm not
willing to pay for official tech support).

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