On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 08:05:01PM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Package: gbrowse
> /usr/bin/gbrowse_grow_cloud_vol contains resize2fs. According to file it is a 
> Perl script text executable

The same file also uses vgdisplay, but there's no package relationship
against lvm2 specified.....

> /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/DataSource.pm contains e2label. 
> According to file it is a Perl5 module source, ASCII text
> /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/Render.pm contains e2label. According 
> to file it is a Perl5 module source, ASCII text

both above are false positives, type2label + feature2label.

> /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/Render/Slave/AWS_Balancer.pm contains 
> e2fsck and resize2fs. According to file it is a Perl5 module source, ASCII 
> text

>From code:

    $self->ssh('sudo e2fsck -f -p /dev/volumes/gbrowse')          or die 
"e2fsck failed";

    $self->ssh('sudo resize2fs -p /dev/volumes/gbrowse')          or die 
"Couldn't resize2fs";

Looks like the commands are executed on a remote host over ssh so a local
dependency isn't what we want here.

> /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/RenderPanels.pm contains e2label. 
> According to file it is a Perl5 module source, ASCII text
> /usr/share/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/TrackDumper.pm contains e2label. 
> According to file it is a Perl5 module source, ASCII text
> /usr/share/perl5/Legacy/Graphics/Browser.pm contains e2label. According to 
> file it is a Perl5 module source, ASCII text

All three above are false positives, type2label + feature2label.

My conclusion is thus that this bug report can likely simply be

Would be great to get some input from maintainers on what's going
on in (the affected part of) gbrowse...

Andreas Henriksson

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