I am seeing this bug also: it has been persisting for several months,
but I only just got around to reporting it.

I have librunby2.5, version 2.5.7-1. This is on testing updated most

# /usr/sbin/dhelp_parse -i
index++: error: could not read index from
"/var/lib/dhelp/documents.index": No data available
Dhelp::IndexerError: Couldn't index  using /usr/bin/index++
--config-file /usr/share/dhelp/config/swish++.conf --index-file
/var/lib/dhelp/documents.index --follow-links --incremental -
(/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dhelp.rb:616:in `index'
/usr/sbin/dhelp_parse:171:in `do_deferred_indexing'
/usr/sbin/dhelp_parse:205:in `main'
/usr/sbin/dhelp_parse:221:in `<main>')

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