Control: tags -1 + wontfix
Control: close -1

Le 13/06/2018 à 17:49, a écrit :

> In unstable, libmail-java depends on libactivation-java version 1.2.0-1, 
> which includes com.sun.activation#javax.activation;1.2.0 .
> However, in Maven com.sun.mail#javax.mail;1.6.1 depends on 
> javax.activation#activation;1.1 , see:
> If not fixed, this will cause problems when one uses /usr/share/maven-repo 
> for dependency resolution.

In Debian the poms installed under /usr/share/maven-repo are rewritten
to point to the right dependency versions. For example the pom for
declares this dependency:


The version 'debian' here stands for the latest version available (i.e.
1.2.0 currently).

So the poms in /usr/share/maven-repo are consistent and safe using.

Emmanuel Bourg

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