Am I imagining right that you're imagining that the startup process is
Instance : ____
(add account)

and you're interpreting that to mean
Instance : ______
(add a new account)

rather than
Instance: ______
(Add existing account)

(which is what it actually is)?

In which case startup should ask
[add new account]
[add existing account]

a) then, if you click existing account  give you two more options:

i) log in by web interface (as normal)
ii) log in here

then if you choose (i) it sends you to the web browser (as normal)
        if you choose (ii) it asks you for a username, then password,
then (login) (this should be doable with the mastodon API)

b) then, if you click 'new account' walk you through the steps of
creating a new account, perhaps offering a list of instances, choose a
username / accept TOS, etc etc ...

Does that sound right?

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