Hi there Shirish,

I get where you're coming from and what you say is not without merit. I
do however want to clarify that I don't it completely removed, and in
relation to that two related things.

Firstly: I'm not a package maintainer, but I suspect that stuff like
this might have been handled in the past. In which case my suggestion
will depend entirely on that. But hypothetically: there are a lot of
sites youtube-dl can be used for. So how long can that list be? Is 50000
sites, or more, a liability or an asset? Arguments like that can
devolve into absurdities, there are a finite amount of sites, but there
_is_ a lot of them. I obviously hint at the former, but really. With
regard to Debian packaging I'm a user and it is from that perspective I
view it.

Secondly: Without being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
I'd say that the inverse is true when you say: "...would have made sense
if it was a GUI program but it's a CLI program." I'd argue that it's
easier to browse a long list in a "GUI format" and not the other way
around. Or in a worst case scenario: just as cumbersome.

What I think is not Policy. Neither does it become praxis just by a
mere uttering, and rightfully. So I look forward to nothing. 

Best regard, Johan.

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