I should have classified this bug as 'important', because there's
significant functionality I can't access and for which the workarounds are
difficult or nonexistent.

In particular, the truncation of the notification area keeps me from using
all but the leftmost two widgets. I have to close the bluetooth and iBus
widgets for the wifi widget to be available, and then I can only see the
two lowest strength bar.

I haven't seen the battery widget in months, since this bug first appeared.
I believe there's some right-click functionality to that widget as well but
I'll never be able to see or much less use it until this bug is fixed (or I
switch desktop environments, which sadly may be necessary if this can't be

I've confirmed that if I set
/org/mate/desktop-interface/window-scaling-factor to 1 using dconf-editor,
the notification area and other truncated applets are fully displayed. Of
course they are too tiny to be useful at this resolution. It would appear
that the width calculation for these applets is ignoring the
window-scaling-factor, as they appear to be exactly half as wide as

Is there anything I can do to help resolve this issue? I've started looking
at the source code but MATE is a large project and hard to get a handle on.

I indicated an upstream bug in my initial report which sounds _exactly_
like the issue I'm experiencing, however looking at the version numbers of
MATE and GTK3 seem to indicate that the fix for that should already be in
this Debian package. I think that, somehow, it must not be.


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