Package: hobbit-plugins
Version: 20141006
Severity: important
Control: affects -1 + xymon
Control: found -1 20170219
Control: found -1 20190129

The commit
in xymon changed the path for server-side tasks and plugins from
/etc/xymon/xymonlaunch.d/ to /etc/xymon/tasks.d/, but hobbit-plugins
never followed that change.

Result: Since xymon/4.3.17-3 (in which this commit is included) and
hence since Debian 8 Jessie (which initially shipped with
xymon/4.3.17-6) none of the server-side plugins shipped with
hobbit-plugins was started if it was configured to be started. (By
default none of the server-side plugins is configured to be started.)

Acoording to upload dates, 20141006 should have been the first
hobbit-plugins version which should have had this fix.

(I partially have to blame myself, because I didn't manage to upgrade
one my production monitoring server from Debian 7 Wheezy to Debian 8
Jessie or later for quite a while. Unfortunately that was the only
server where I needed server-side plugins, mostly conn6, until very
recently when I discovered this issue on a freshly setup Xymon server
where I needed the conn6 plugin, too.)

Fixing this properly involves quite some effort with moving conffiles
around and possibly dealing with a very easy workaround:

# rmdir /etc/xymon/tasks.d
# ln -vis xymonlaunch.d /etc/xymon/tasks.d
# service xymon restart

So IMHO fixing this issue should cope with the following obvious

* /etc/xymon/tasks.d is a symlink to xymonlaunch.d, as suggested above.
  (the easy solution)

* /etc/xymon/xymonlaunch.d has been renamed to tasks.d and
  /etc/xymon/xymonlaunch.d is a symlink to tasks.d. (the more correct

I don't think we should try fix this kind of breakage for Buster anymore
as this looks non-trivial to handle properly, and a very easy manual fix
is available for those few who need server-side plugins.

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