Package: x2goserver

Debian Buster

OpenGL error messages from gl_surface_qt.cpp (qtwebengine likely) are printed 
on 0.01 of a millisecond time scale (i.e. 10^5 messages per second) to a log 
Currently my log file is 16 TB in size. This is a error log file from a single 
session, because is 

$ls -la ~/.xsession-x2go*
-rw------- 1 user users 17557623775232 May  2 23:40 .xsession-x2go-mamut-errors
-rw------- 1 user users          38176 Jun 18  2018 

The content of the file is extremely boring:
eglCreatePbufferSurface failed and surfaceless context not available
[51916:52005:0422/215628.936597:ERROR:gl_surface_qt.cpp(303)] Requested OpenGL 
implementation is not supported. Implementation: 0
eglCreatePbufferSurface failed and surfaceless context not available
[51916:52005:0422/215628.936627:ERROR:gl_surface_qt.cpp(303)] Requested OpenGL 
implementation is not supported. Implementation: 0
eglCreatePbufferSurface failed and surfaceless context not available
[51916:52005:0422/215628.936656:ERROR:gl_surface_qt.cpp(303)] Requested OpenGL 
implementation is not supported. Implementation: 0

(ad infinitum)

I was definitely running Rstudio desktop in x2go session, but don't know if it 
was generating these messages.

Expected behaviour: Too quickly appearing messages from the same process should 
not end up in the log file. systemd-journald if I am correct has such a feature.
I am not reporting it to qtwebengine or Rstudio right now. Will do if 
encouraged in your comments.


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